Tuesday, November 1, 2011

My Review of Ringer 1.07- Oh Gawd, There's Two of Them?

The answer to what happened to Gemma is revealed and the perpetrator is not someone who was expected.  Also, Bridget reveals her existence to Andrew and Henry....

Well, gotta hand it to Bridget.  When she wants to cover things up, she does every thing right that can be done.  She called in the tip about the vase and rags in the dumpster and then when the cops showed up proceeded to call herself up and leave a message (as Bridget) that she was leaving.  I am impressed.  Two things are going to foul up her plan.  One, Malcolm shows up.   Two, her sponsor is the person who killed Gemma and is working with Siobhan.  I totally did not expect that last part.  When I saw him talking with Siobhan and they showed what happened to Gemma, I was floored.  Maybe I should have figured it out, but I didn't.

As for Bridget telling Andrew and Henry that she existed, that was smart.  She did everything she could to ensure that the police would be looking for Bridget and not Siobhan or anyone else.  I am definitely impressed.  Until the two things mentioned above, she had her bases covered.  As for the two hiccups, neither could really have been predicted.  Ok, well, the first maybe.  The second, not so much.  And it turns out that Siobhan had Gemma taken out because Gemma knew about Bridget.  Ruthless much?

As for Henry showing up at the art gallery, I can understand why he did it.  First, it was his wife's work.  Second, if he hadn't showed up, it would have made him look even guiltier.  Basically, he had a lose-lose situation, so he made the best of it.  Seriously sucks to be him right now.

Can't blame Andrew for being upset at "Siobhan" for hiding Bridget's existence.  I am glad that they made up though.  Things have changed so much for them that had they not made up, I would have been annoyed.  Not quite as happy about the way he dealt with Juliet.  I know she seriously screwed up, but she was trying to do the right thing within the limits she had.  I know she should not have been driving at all and definitely should not have been drinking, but I think he slightly overreacted.  Well, we'll see how this shakes out.

Question of the week: How exactly did Siobhan meet Bridget's "sponsor" and who is he?

Until next week!

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