Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Top 10 One Tree Hill Couples

I will refer to couples by their combined name when I know it, otherwise I won't. Also, some couples I list weren't actual couples, but they still make my top ten.

[10] Brucas- Lucas was never good enough for Brooke, IMNSHO. Hence, not fond of them as a couple.

[9] Leyton- Like Lucas and Peyton individually, I have never been as fond of this couple as other people have been. They make the top ten, but not much further than that. I do love them, but sometimes the drama got a bit much.

[8] Mouth/Rachel- While never an actual couple, these two were very close and had lots of fun together, and were fun to watch. I appreciated the way she treated Mouth (well, most of the time anyways) and he (with few exceptions) treated her well too.

[7] Dan/Deb- They would be higher, but there are others I like more. I loved watching these two go at each other, particularly in Season 3 when they were playing pranks on each other. That was great.

[6] Karen/Andy- These two are so good for each other. He is incredibly respectful of her and Lucas and she loves him a great deal. They also gave us a great reveal when Andy was talking about "little Lucas" and brought baby clothes. <snerk>

[5] Keith/Karen- The star-crossed couple of the series. They love each other tremendously and keep missing their chances until near the end, only to have it taken away when Dan kills Keith. At least Karen got a daughter out of the deal. Not the best obviously, but its something.

[4] Brooke/Julian- (Brulian?) When she was abandoned by Owen, Julian picked up the slack. He knew how important Sma was to her and he was so willing to work with her. She loves him, he loves her, and they both know about living in the shadow of Leyton and the expectations of parental assholes. Say no more.

[3] Mouth/Brooke- My dream couple that never actually occurred. These two would have been great together. Sadly, it never happened. I often wonder how OTH would have been different if they had happened.

[2] Jeyton- The one that got away and a major casualty of Leyton. I think Jake was a much better match than Lucas for Peyton. Sadly, with Nicky in the picture, this would probably not have worked. Still, my favorite couple other than....

[1] Naley- If you knew this one was coming, congrats, you know me really well. This couple is the emotional center of the show. Not the dramatic center, but the emotional center. They have helped each other to grow in ways that are hard to imagine. They have been through so much and only emerged stronger because of it. Married too young, but so in love. This is probably one of my favorite couples of all time.

Next, favorite (actually, best, not necessarily favorite per se) episodes.


  1. I dont know how you can compare Mouth/Rachel's relationship with Leyton and/or even Brucas. Brooke and Lucas was indeed not the best couple, but they loved each other and the reason their relationship did not work out, was because they could simply not trust each other. Saying Lucas does not deserve Brooke is in my opinion completely retarded. Brooke sleeps around with several guys, remember in the start of season 4. She sleeps around with the teacher, Lucas slept with Nicki in the first season, But it's always Brooke trying to mess up their relationship. - I aggre that they did not fit as a couple ( Brucas ) But mouth and rachel? really?

    Dan and Deb was a funny couple and made the show very interesting, but I can't call them a couple, it just seems that they kept those two together for so long because they were funny TOGETHER.

    Mouth and Brooke is like saying Lucas and Haley.. Just.. no. Even Mouth realizes that they could only become very good friends.

    Jeyton was all about Peyton wanting to be a part of Jenny's life, seriously, Jeyton is the most unrealistic couple ever. If Jake did not have jenny, Peyton would never hang out with Jake in the first place. And Jake deserves to be with someone who value the relationship over her career. Peyton clearly wanted to have a big career and almost destroyed the relationship with Lucas.

    1. The reason I include Mouth and Rachel is that I find them fascinating. I would never have wanted to see them as a romantic couple, but as friends, I found them fun and interesting. Hence my placement of them on here.

      And Lucas was definitely not good enough for Brooke. Need I remind you that Brooke never cheated on Lucas while they were together? She did sleep with other guys, but that was when they had an open relationship. Lucas, on the other hand, cheated on her with Peyton in the first season. Brooke became a much better person as a result of her relationship with Lucas and became too good for him.

      Mouth and Brooke were never given a decent shot. I know that Brooke's feelings for Mouth were different than his for her, but I still would have loved to see them together. I know they are not to everyone's taste, but (as I said above) this was a dream couple from where I was sitting.

      And I am sorry, but you are so wrong about Jeyton. While having Jenny may have initially attracted Peyton to Jake, it was about so much more than that. She honestly loved him and would have stayed with him had he asked. As for the part about her career, when she and Jake were together, she never had any sort of issues like that. Her relationship troubles with Lucas were a couple of years after Jeyton was over. Had she stayed with Jake and Jenny, I do think she would have been happy.

  2. Ill tell you my top 10 couples, just to compare our opinions :)

    10. Karen/Andy - They fit together, but only after season 4 because we all know Karen belongs with Keith.
    9. Brooke/chase - I think they were a really good match, But chase did not chase enough.
    8. Jeyton - They maybe were not the best couple, but they made the show interesting.
    7. Skills/Deb - Who did not enjoy seeing these two together? haha!
    6. Deb/Dan - This couple is by far the most funniest couple.
    5. Mouth/Millie - They are so alike.
    4. Brucas - I cant decide if Lucas should be with Peyton or Brooke. Maybe he should of choosen Brooke, I think he only choose PEyton because Brooke did not fight enough for him, Peyton clearly did.
    3. Leyton - They are the couple who seems to belong with each other, but I still feel like Lucas messed up to many things to be with Peyton, He should of just choosen Peyton or Brooke in the early seasons. But if he did there would not be any drama would it?
    2. Karen/Keith - They are just awesome together, they are the couple who has been with each other the most time.
    1. Naley - Bad boy meets Good girl. They are so meant to be together.
