Wednesday, January 11, 2012

10 Biggest OMG/WTF Moments from One Tree Hill

This is obviously going to be mostly cliffhangers, but there will be some not. Don't forget that One Tree Hill is on tonight at 8! Watch it! My review will be up after Revenge is over at 11.

[10] Nanny Carrie at Lucas' wedding
[9] Deb tells Dan she set the fire
[8] Taylor is David's new "girlfriend"
[7] Katie shoots Clay and Quinn
[6] Nathan and Haley are married
[5] Peyton collapses in a pool of blood
[4] Lucas and Peyton are broken up at the beginning of Season 5
[3] Brooke and Jamie go off the bridge in a car
[2] The dealership fire
[1] Jimmy kills himself and then Dan shoots Keith
Well folks, that is; as they say; that. Until later tonight!

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