Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Funniest One Tree Hill Moments

[10] The girls dancing to "Wannabe" at the graduation party- I loved the moment, but can't stand the song, hence the low rating. Watching the girls just bust it out dancing together was great.
[9] Chris Keller getting dissed at the Honey Grove prom- I loved that he was trying to be all smooth and the girls just totally dissed him. Great moment.
[8] The conversations at the Honey Grove prom- Watching the characters discuss the weird twists their lives have taken was totally amusing, particularly when the only one who was remotely normal was Mouth.
[7] Rachel catches Brooke "Brooke-ing" herself- If only because the word keeps getting used and the look on both Daneel and Sophia's faces. And the look on other people faces when they find out about it was equally funny
[6] Mouth and Peyton dancing at the Halloween party at Tric- Lee can dance and watching Hilary dance as the Angel of Death was just funny. They were obviously having alot of fun.
[5] Mouth showing the Ravens the opposing teams dance and Brooke's reaction- Watching Lee imitate a cheerleader was hilarious enough, but to then have Brooke want to kick Haley off and keep him made it a total classic.
[4] Nathan/Chase and Jamie/Andre doing karaoke- Watching watching James rap and sing is funny enough, but watching him do it with Stephen was just too funny. Then add a whole other level with Jamie and Andre singing the same song.
[3] Dan superglues a phone to Deb's ear- And then blows a horn into his phone when he calls her. This was definitely the funniest thing in their feud. The rest were funny, but this was the best.
[2] Nathan, Mouth, and Skillz stripping- The funniest part is that it was Skillz' idea, but he got scared, so Mouth went out with Nathan who saw Haley front and center. And he gamely went on. Then Skillz joins them after some persuasion on Bevin's part.
[1] Nathan and Haley's Dinner before the second wedding- The skits. The finding out about the courtship. Deb playing Haley. Fergie playing Nathan. Nathan playing Nathan and getting kissed by Gigi. What wasn't to love?
In a little, the best OMG/WTF moments...

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