Thursday, January 12, 2012

My Review of The Secret Circle 1.11- Fire/Ice

Faye's a bitch and nearly kills the Circle and destroys the high school, Adam and Diana have a talk, Cassie tries to learn more about her dad, and Jake reveals himself....

Ok, Faye, turn down the bitch-o-meter please.  There is a world of difference between you and Cassie.  Granted, Cassie has done some bad things, but each time it is either out of the intention of helping someone or a complete accident. You, on the other hand, do bad things out of a desire to get more power for yourself or other totally selfish motives.  This is why she gets passes and you don't.  For example, tonight you tried to steal dark magic.  The spell backfired on you and you hurt all of your friends.  Who were you trying to help?  Yourself.  Not Cassie, not by a long shot.  Whatever little justifications you may come up with are just that, justifications and lies.  Period.  So stop acting like an aggrieved, self-entitled, and spoiled little bitch and try being human for a change.

Well, Cassie tonight learned that the house the Circle has been using was her dad's old house.  Whether or not this is a good thing remains to be seen.  She keeps getting warned to stop looking into her dad.  There must be something to his past that threatens her or the Circle in some way.  Either that, or the Elders and parents are trying to hide something from Cassie that could cause damage to them.  I also don't know what to say about her and Adam.  I know that getting together with Adam will cause issues with Diana, but you can tell there is something there.  At least she gave in a little tonight.  Not sure how long that is going to last given that Jake has returned.

Glad to see Melissa keep on coming out of that shell of hers.  She did some nice interaction with Diana and told Faye off.  Very impressive little grasshopper.  Keep up the good work.

I feel sorry for Adam.  He loves Diana and feels this inexplicable attraction towards Cassie.  Diana dumps him and Cassie acts like he is radioactive so she doesn't hurt Diana.  Screwed up one side and down the other.  At least he got a kiss tonight.  And then Jake reappears....

Next week, we learn more about the fire 16 years ago....

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