Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Review of One Tree Hill 9.12- Anyone Who Had a Heart

And the closure starts.  Julian revives the idea of using Lucas' book with a twist, Brooke reconciles with her parents, Haley is the MC for the Burning Boat Festival, Chase gets a surprise, Quinn also gets a surprise, and Mouth and Millie return.

Now that all the drama (hopefully) is out of the way, we are starting to close down the story of One Tree Hill.  This was a very nice, light episode after the series of heavier episodes that preceded it.  I really hope that the finale next week is drama-lite and focuses on saying good bye to the characters we've come to know and love.  But more on that in a future post.

This week, Nathan and Jamie were gone on a guys' weekend which I think they both needed.  Nathan needs to spend some time with Jamie decompressing given everything that has happened, so I am glad they got it.  It also gave us a chance to see Haley having fun again, which was really cool.

I loved that Julian wanted to take Lucas' book and make it a television show.  I also found it funny that they referenced "The Creek" which was Dawson's version of "Dawson's Creek" on that shows finale.  Wonder how they managed to get permission for that one.  Using Brooke's diary to flesh out the characters was nice, and it also gave Julian insight into who Brooke was that he may not have had before.  I am also very proud of Julian for reading Brooke's dad the riot act for how he has been treating Brooke.  That definitely earned him more than just a small measure of respect.

Seeing Ted and Victoria together was hilarious and a little creepy.  But Brooke's reaction was absolutely priceless.  If there is one thing people do not want to know, it is about their parent's sex lives.  And Brooke got it full in the face.  It was very nice that both her parents want to work with her on the new line.  This had better not be some storyline to pull the rug out from under Brooke again.  She really deserves the chance to make this work with her parents.  She has already lost so much because of them.  So, I will cross my fingers and hope.

Clay and Quinn are engaged!  And Logan has integrated himself into their family very well.  I suspect that he can do it because he has always wanted his parents and now he has his dad.  Since he was too young to remember his mom, I think that he is having few issues letting Quinn take on that role.  I so hope we get this wedding next week.  Or at least, a glimpse of it in a montage of some sort.

Chase now has a chance to own Tric.  Haley talked Karen into selling Tric to Chase.  Now he just needs the money.  I suspect that there will be a 10th anniversary benefit concert to raise money to let Chase buy Tric.  What will that mean for Red Bedroom Records?  I suspect that he'll let it stay because I can't think of a reason why he wouldn't.

It was very nice to see Mouth back in shape.  And he has his own sports show (or segment, didn't really say which) now and Millie has a new co-anchor in the form of Skillz.  Very nice.

Next week, the series finale.  Tomorrow, I will be writing what I would like to see in the finale and a look back at my memories of One Tree Hill.

Until then!

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