Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Some thoughts on the Glee Project

I rarely write about reality competition shows, but I just wanted to write a little about the Glee Project.  Since I am assuming everyone knows about Glee (if you don't, what rock have you been hiding under?), I will briefly explain the premise of the Glee Project.  It is a competition to be cast on Glee for a brief arc.  I didn't watch the first season last year and wish I had, because four of the competitors appeared on the show and I didn't know much about them.  So, I decided to watch this year.

Basically each week, the group is given a theme and song to perform live in front of Robert Ulrich (Glee's casting director) and a member of the cast.  The cast member picks a winner and that person has a private mentoring session to discuss some ideas for how to act to that theme.  They also get tips for their stand-out performance during the song that the group will perform and make a video of. The group also records their part of the song and learns choreography.  The choreographer (Zach Woodlee), vocal producer (Nikki Anders), and Robert pick out the top 2 and bottom 3.  The bottom three are each given a song and must perform it in front of Ryan Murphy (creator/executive producer of Glee) who then eliminates one of them.

Ok, that is a little about the show.  Ok, more than a little.  Sorry, me and being brief, not necessarily the best companions.  :-)

Anyhow, we are almost half way through the season, and I just wanted to make some comments about the show so far and my thoughts on the future.

First, off I was severely disappointed when Dani was eliminated in the second episode.  Personally, I loved her uniqueness and her quirkiness and think she left far, far too early.  Sadly, 'twas not to be.  Personally, I don't understand how Tyler made it as far as he did.  Not that I didn't like him or anything, but I just don't think he was as talented as Dani was in any respect.  I get that as a transgender person (female to male), he would have made for some fascinating stories on Glee, but I really think he needed more time to grow into his new body before coming onto the Glee Project.  But, he was eliminated a week or two later, and I must say that he improved in many ways, so I was impressed with that.

Second, I was saddened that Charlie was eliminated last night.  Surprised?  No, but saddened.  He was probably the most entertaining person on the show, as evidenced by the performance of "It's Not Unusual" he gave last night to Ryan.  He changed alot of the lyrics to reflect his situation and came and sat in the seats by Ryan and the others as he was singing.  It was really fun and reflected one of his biggest strengths, his complete spontaneity.  This was also his biggest weakness.  He had ADHD and it showed in the fact that he could get so carried away and spontaneous that he made poor choices.  Totally get that because I have ADHD and can get in more trouble by my spontaneous actions, which is why I tend to be so damned cautious.  But, because this was his fourth week *IN A ROW* in the bottom, I didn't see him staying.

Of the remaining contenders, here are my thoughts:

Lily- I did not like her at first, but she has grown on me.  I admire her forthrightness, her confidence in herself, and her ability to not take things too far.  I am betting on her being in the top unless she manages to severely screw something up.  If she wins, I suspect she'll become the new Lauren.  Either that or the mean head cheerleader.

Nellie- I so want her in the top, but don't know if it is going to happen.  Like Dani, she is quirky and fun, but she lacks self-confidence.  She found some in the Sexuality video, but lost it shortly thereafter.  She needs to get it back, otherwise I fear she'll be off in a week or two.  If she wins, I would think she'd be a character like season 1 Tina, soft and shy.  Maybe Tina would bring her under her wing to help her blossom which would be totally cool.

Ali- Gotta admire this girl's spirit.  Last night during the slushie fight, she basically demanded to be slushied to prove she could handle it. The problem is that because she is wheelchair-bound, she couldn't use her arms or move around as much to avoid some of the slushies.  But she really soldiered on and did a great job.  If she wins, it would be neat to have her as someone for Artie to relate to (obvious, granted, but still cool).

Shanna- I like her, but she doesn't stand out in any way.  She seems similar to the character of Brittany (although not anywhere near as dumb), but a little blander.  I don't know if she'll make it much further without standing out.  If she wins, see my comment earlier in the paragraph.

Aylin- Just about the only person I would sort of like to be eliminated.  Something about her just rubs me the wrong way.  It could be her constant references to her conservative Muslim upbringing (at least 2-3 times an episode, or so it seems), her overconfidence, or the fact that she seems to think she is the best at almost everything (same thing with Mario).  If she wins, I expect her to become Santana II.

Abraham- Like Shanna, Abraham hasn't impressed me that much.  He seems pretty middle of the road in all respects.  Don't have anything good or bad to say about him.  Like Shanna, I suspect that if he doesn't start standing out soon, he'll be gone.  And honestly, if he wins, he is the one person I don't have a role idea for.

Blake- Good actor, solid singer, very handsome.  Basically, he would be a safe bet.  Maybe a bit too safe.  He has the classic All-American jock/A&F model look, so if he winds, I would expect him to be playing a jock of somee sort, similar to Sam.

Michael- Cute guy next door type.  He can be very good, but if he gets too involved, he overthinks everything and starts screwing up.  He needs to loosen up and be a bit more spontaneous.  If he can do that, he'll go far.  If he wins, I would expect to see him as either an athlete of some sort (running or swimming given his build) or a hot nerd.

If I had to pick the ones to go to the top 4 I would say: Lily, Ali, Nellie, and either Michael or Blake.  Can't decided between the two of them and would love to see either.  I would love for Nellie to win, but not sure if that is in the cards.

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