Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My Review of Teen Wolf 4.09- Perishable

We have a recurring character burned alive, someone clued into the supernaturalness of Beacon Hills, some more assassins, and the revelation of the Benefactor.  And boy, was I shocked when the Benefactor was revealed!

And the Benefactor is....Meredith!  Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Meredith, the resident of Eichen House and banshee, is the Benefactor.  I would never have called that one, mainly because we were told that she had killed herself.  But, given that she is the Benefactor, I can only assume that she faked her death in order to be able to operate freely.  Not only is she the Benefactor, but she appears to be completely sane.  Consider my mind completely blown.  I could have sworn that her name was on the deadpool, but if it was, that was obviously a plant to throw people off of her scent.  This is going to require some serious answers.  Why has she put a price on the heads of every supernatural being in Beacon Hills?  How was she controlling that orderly?  My mind is still reeling fro, this revelation.

Next major point, is what the hell is Parrish?  He is set on fire and emerges sooty but fine.  I'm trying to think of different creatures who might be able to survive fire, and I can only think of three: a salamander, an ifrit, or a phoenix.  He's not a werewolf because werewolves are very susceptible to fire (witness Peter in season 1!) and every other creature I can think of (other than spirit based creatures like ghosts) can't just walk away from a fire the way he did.  I so cannot wait to figure out what exactly he is.

Loved Parrish's reaction ("What's a kanima again?") to finding out about the different supernatural beings of Beacon Hills.  When he asked Derek and Scott if they were psychics like Lydia, the looks that the three of them (Lydia, Scott, and Derek) were absolutely hilarious.  Then Scott showed Parrish his true eyes.  Oh, how I would have loved to actually seen Parrish's reaction, because that would have had to have been a shock.  So now there is someone else at the Sheriff's station who can help out as needed and know about what is actually going on.

Poor Liam was completely freaked out by what was happening to his printer.  I can only assume that Meredith was sending the file to random printers in order to publicize the list even more.  And his price got bumped from $3 million to $18 million.  Not a bad price to have on your head.  Liam really needs to fill his friend (Mason?) in on what is going on, because Mason is not stupid and I have a feeling he'll keep on pressing.  Having another human around will be helpful because it provides a new perspective.

Can anyone blame Malia for trying to get drunk?  She finds out that Stiles and Scott have been lying to her, her dad is a sociopath, and she is just trying to get by.  No wonder she wanted to let loose and have some fun!  Unfortunately, as Scott discovered early on, werewolves cannot get drunk.  Well, not without outside help which can push them over the edge.  In this case, the music from the DJ.  My first thought was that someone was somehow burning wolfsbane, so when they narrowed in on the DJ, I was surprised.  It does make sense though.  By using ultrasonic frequencies, the DJ could throw off the werewolves sense of balance and give them vertigo.  Not a bad plan.

Stiles and Lydia had a decent plan as well.  After discovering that the list from Lydia's grandmother was a list of 10 people who had died in Eichen House, they went to investigate.  All in all, it was a good idea.  THe major flaw is that they din't know about the orderly killing patients to "free" them.  Now they (and Parrish) are in Meredith's hands, which cannot be a good thing.

Did Stiles take the money out of Scott's room?  Not sure who else could have, but I am curious....

Next episode is Sunday night right before the VMAs.  Until then!

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