Monday, June 29, 2015

TV Viewing for the Fall 2015 and Teen Wolf

Ok, so my viewing schedule for the fall is going to look much different since several shows I watched have ended including The Following, Glee, and Revenge.  I have also dropped Sleepy Hollow and Gotham from my viewing list.


8 pm- Once Upon a Time (ABC), Madam Secretary (CBS)
9 pm- Blood & Oil (ABC)
10 pm- Quantico (ABC)


8 pm- Supergirl (CBS)
9 pm- Scorpion (CBS), Minority Report (Fox)
10 pm- Castle (ABC


8 pm- The Flash (CW)
9 pm- Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (ABC), Scream Queens (Fox), iZombie (CW)
10 pm- Limitless (CBS)


8 pm- Arrow (CW)
9 pm- Supernatural (CW)


8 pm- Bones (Fox), Heroes Reborn (NBC), The Vampire Diaries (CW)
9 pm- Scandal (ABC), The Blacklist (NBC), The Originals (CW)
10 pm- How to Get Away With Murder (ABC)


9 pm- Grimm (NBC)

It is a lighter load than in years past and I have a ton of CBS shows now, which is a first for me.  Until the last year or so, I only ever had 1 (maybe 2) CBS shows that I watched at any given time.  Around mid-season, I will be adding Lucifer (Fox), American Crime (ABC), Agent Carter (NBC), Secrets and Lies (NBC), The 100 (CW), Containment (CW), and Legends of Tomorrow (CW).

Tonight marks the season 5 premiere of Teen Wolf.  Last year, I speculated about how the 20 episode season would play out.  Given this interview, I think that what will happen is a long 20 episode arc with the first half being told Revenge style (ie. start with the ending and work your way to it) and the second half continuing from there.  That is going to be an interesting change from the normal 12 episode arc that Jeff does.  I am seriously excited to see how it works out.

For some interesting viewing, see the new opening credits here or the first scene from tonight's episode here.

Until tonight!!!

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