Tuesday, August 25, 2015

My Review of Teen Wolf 5.10- Status Asthmaticus

In the summer finale of Teen Wolf, we learn why Theo is in Beacon Hills and what Parrish is, Scott and Liam face off, and we prepare for what promises to be an epic clash.

Well, Theo being a chimera was unexpected.  Looking back at the season, it does make sense.  His being a chimera explains his link to the Dread Doctors and why he can fully transform into a wolf.  My only question is why the Dread Doctors can't replicate the success they had with him.  He has been able to pass as a normal werewolf for so long and managed to completely undermine Scott and his pack.  And given the fact that he has revived all of the chimeras at the Nemeton, he is obviously preparing for something.  My only question is if this new pack of his was planned by the Dread Doctors or if this is something that Theo came up with himself.  If this was the Dread Doctors plan all along, then they would have to have known what Parrish is and that he would gather the bodies in one place for Theo to revive.  And if Theo manages to wipe out Scott and his pack, then the Dread Doctors would have access to all the power present in Beacon Hills without interference from any protectors.  If this is Theo's own plan (which is my suspicion), then he is either trying to protect himself from the Dread Doctors or he harbors a serious grudge against Scott.

Theo's plan all season has been to weaken Scott's pack in order to gain them as his own.  The only thing is that he wants the twisted versions of each of them.  He wants the coyote who will kill, Void Stiles, the dark kitsune, the banshee, and the werewolf with anger issues to be his own pack.  Scott was simply in the way because, as a True Alpha, he could not be controlled or subverted.  I can only assume that Theo or the Dread Doctors have been poisoning Scott with wolfsbane for a good portion of the season, which could explain why he has needed the inhaler so much and so suddenly.  What Theo and the Dread Doctors don't seem to have entirely counted on is the presence of the more peripheral humans: the Sheriff, Melissa, and Mason.  Scott is still around and he is bound to be seriously pissed at what Theo has done.

Hopefully Scott can learn from his failures this season.  He lost control of so much that he tried to grip onto things even harder in order to control them and so lost everything.  Kira is gone away, Malia is hunting the Desert Wolf, Liam has suffered the loss of his first love, Stiles is estranged from him, and Lydia is apparently in a coma.  Scott need to pull everything together and gather his strength so that he can fight the pack of chimeras that Theo has assembled.  I have the feeling that Parrish will be a key in the fight against the chimeras.

The reason for this is that Parrish is a hellhound, which was completely off my radar.  In Teen Wolf, the hellhound appears to be sort of a supernatural scavenger, cleaning up after the supernatural.  Hellhounds have generally been closely connected with death and the afterlife, which would explain the connection between Parrish and Lydia.  If she can sense impending death, Parrish can take care of what's leftover.  I suspect that his appearance in Season 3B was connected to the "deaths" of Allison, Scott, and Stiles, which Deaton warned would attract all sorts of supernatural creatures.  I have to say that I am glad that the police were smart enough to listen to Stiles when he warned them to let Parrish go as he was leaving the station.  Given how easily he was able to subdue the police in the hospital, I don't think they would have stood a chance.  If Parrish can learn to control his supernatural powers, I think he would be quite the force to reckon with.  I am going to go out on a bit of a limb and suggest that Parrish is meant to act as a balance in the supernatural world.  He cleaned up after the chimeras but not after other supernatural deaths, which suggests that there is something about the chimeras that attracts his attention.  It may be that the Doctors messing with the supernatural is throwing the supernatural world out of balance and he is a part of restoring that balance.

Theo's "pack" is going to cause Scott some serious trouble in the future.  What is going to be very interesting is the fact that it includes Hayden.  She shares a serious emotional bond with Liam, but was revived by Theo, which could cause quite the case of divided loyalties.  I think the weakness of this "pack" is that they are not really a pack the way Scott's is.  Theo may be the alpha, but he is not an Alpha.  And the chimeras may be powerful, but they can be fought by the wolves.  Throw in Lydia's new abilities and Parrish and this could prove very interesting.

I really hope that Liam doesn't suffer too much from what he did to Scott.  He has so many anger issues as it is and it was the night of the Super Moon, so his werewolf side was heightened.  Add to that the fact that his first love was dying and it is enough to drive almost anyone off the rails.  Fortunately, he was stopped by Mason.

Malia has teamed with Braeden in order to find the Desert Wolf and presumably kill her.  This could be very bad.  She has already proven herself capable of killing Malia in cold blood, so this can really only end with one of them dying.  Given how Scott reacted when he found out that Stiles killed Donovan, I can't imagine him reacting well to Malia purposely hunting the Desert Wolf.

I think we can safely assume that whatever it was that Theo did to Lydia is why she was in Eichen House in the season premiere.  He appears to have somehow triggered a vision and overloaded her system.  I sense a rescue attempt in order to get her out of Eichen House in the second half of the season.

What exactly was the thing the Dread Doctors were looking at in the end?  I didn't get a great look because my DVR paused because it stopped taping.  I am still trying to figure out exactly what they want.

The show is coming back in January, so I will too.  And I will continue to review The Vampire Diaries and The Originals when they come back in October.  Until then!

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