Friday, October 23, 2015

My Review of The Vampire Diaries 7.03- Age of Innocence

Damon, Bonnie, and Alaric take a trip to find the sixth Heretic; we find out about Stefan and Valerie’s past; and a new villain is introduced….

So Stefan meeting Valerie was sort of planned by Lily.  She met a male friend and wanted to leave, but not before ensuring that her sons would be ok.  So she sent her friend (Julian) and Valerie to suss out Stefan’s state and sent Oscar (the sixth Heretic) to get a read on Damon.  Unfortunately for all involved Stefan and Valerie fell in lust for each other and he got her pregnant.  I won’t say it’s love yet given the frequency with which Stefan seems to fall for the ladies.  I have no doubt feelings were involved, but he was a 16 year old boy who was still blaming himself for the loss of his mother, so I’m not sure if it was actually love or looking for a replacement for his lost mother.  Regardless, she seems to have had quite real feelings and still seems to be harboring them to this day.  Not good at all.

I loved Oscar.  He was so much fun up until the point when he realized that Bamonic (gotta love these name combinations!) have the Phoenix Stone and he turns from fun loving stoner party boy to Heretic in a split second.  That was just fun to watch.  And Bonnie was severely pissed at Damon and Alaric for hiding the fact that Alaric hadn’t destroyed the Phoenix Stone from her.  Can’t say I blame her, but someone needs to knock some serious sense into Alaric.  Necromancy is not something to be trifled with and he is not thinking straight at all.  He is so blinded by his desire to get Jo back that he is not thinking about the consequences of his actions.  I know that he’ll hate anyone who stops him, but someone needs to.  Seriously.

We’ve only seen Julian for a brief period and I already hate him.  Lily wants to bring him back, but the Heretics don’t seem to be onboard with the plan.  The problem is that they won’t stand up to her and try and stop her, probably because she may very well go all psycho ripper on them.  The thing is that they could probably overwhelm her if they really wanted to, but they won’t.  Anyone who will deliberately attack a pregnant woman and kill her unborn child is not someone you want living with you.  I wonder how they got separated from Julian in the first place.  Did he run away when the Gemini coven tracked them down to trap them in the prison dimension or was it something else?

You have to feel sorry for poor Caroline.  Being forced to sit there and listen to Valerie go on and on about her and Stefan while Caroline is currently dating him had to suck.  Between that and the spell which is keeping Stefan from touching her, she is not having a good time right now.

It was almost sweet watching Stefan teach Lily how to drive.  She can be so normal sometimes that you can almost forget she is a complete psychopath.  That said, she is also a woman of her word and released Caroline after Stefan was honest with her.  So she has that going for her.

How exactly does Tyler end up back in the picture?  Is he Caroline’s fiancée or not?  I suspect not given what he said to Stefan, but I could be wrong.  And where is Bonnie in the future?  I am worried….

Until next week!

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