Friday, November 6, 2015

My Review of The Originals 3.05- The Axeman's Letter

One thousand years ago the first compulsion occurs, Rebekah gets her first progeny, and secrets are revealed.  In the present, those secrets threaten to rip the Mikaelsons apart, Cami runs into some legal trouble, and Davina has a talk with Hayley and Jackson.

So the first three progenies were: Lucien for Klaus, Tristan for Elijah, and Aurora for Rebekah.  We know that both Lucien and Aurora were turned without the sire intending to do so and I have to wonder if Tristan was the same way.  Give the history between those three, I am now more sure than ever that they war between the sire lines has a lot to do with their hatred for each other and that other issues are serving more as proxies than being the true cause behind everything.  And now the Klaus knows that Elijah compelled Aurora to leave him things are only going to get messier.

In Elijah’s defense, he didn’t seem to realize what he was doing at first when he compelled Aurora to tell him that Klaus had killed both Mikael and Esther.  When he had her break up with Klaus, I think that Elijah had more of an inkling as to what was going on but was pissed off enough that he didn’t care about the consequences at that time.  I don’t buy Klaus’ line that this rejection is what set him onto his current path.  While I have no doubt that it helped, Klaus has said the same thing before to both Esther and Mikael, so at this point it just seems like a line he uses to excuse himself from the consequences of his actions.

I am definitely glad that Davina freed Hayley and Jackson from her service.  She is trying to turn over a new leaf and become a new type of Regent, so this was a good start.  So was her decision to allow the guy who tried to curse her to go.  She is seeing if she can get people to want to work with her rather than fear her, so that is a good thing.  I have no doubt that she can get people to fear her if she needs to, but what she is doing now is a good path.

Poor Cami is in serious trouble.  She got caught at the scene of a body after Lucien stranded her there.  Did he kill the guy or did he just smell him and leave her there in order to get her out of his hair?  Detective Kinney has no clue what he is getting involved in and I have the feeling that he is going to find himself so out of his depth unless he is covertly a witch or something.

I was surprised to discover that the story of the Axeman Vincent told Cami is a true story from New Orleans’ history.  I love the way that they work something like that into the story.  Very cool.

I know I keep saying that Lucien and Tristan are fighting each other, but there is one thing that happened tonight to make me question that.  Why is Tristan sneaking off to a building owned byt Lucien?  That really doesn’t make much sense unless they are either working together or Tristan is trying to spy on Lucien.  But I don’t see Tristan spying himself.  He seems like the sort who would have a lackey do something like that.

Until next week!

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