Wednesday, February 1, 2017

My Review of Teen Wolf 6.10- Riders on the Storm

In an episode that felt more like a series finale than a mid-season finale, Stiles returns, two new potential couples emerge, and we see where the gang is headed post-high school.

I have to say that I am very confused.  My understanding was that the first half of the season was going to focus on the Riders and the second half was going to focus on the Nazi werewolf.  But with Mr. Douglas becoming a Rider and all the Riders leaving, I don't see how that can happen.  Also, the entire gang has split up after graduation.  Scott has gone to UC Davis, Malia is in summer school (and may or may not be graduating), Lydia is a junior (!) at MIT, and Stiles is in a pre-FBI program at George Washington University.  So I will be very curious about what will bring them back together.

I really hope they can bring Stiles back because this season seriously suffered without him.  I know that Dylan was in a serious accident which makes Stiles' return questionable (at best) so if they can't have him, then I hope they do something to lighten the show.  No one else can make even the heaviest stuff seem lighter than Dylan.  The two best episodes of the season were the episodes that he was in after he was taken, which is not a coincidence.  Just saying.

All that being said, this finale was damn near perfect,  If it had been the series finale, I would have been eminently satisfied.  Yes, defeating the Riders did seem a little too easy and yes there did seem to be some irregularities about how some people could remember who they were in the train station while others couldn't, but I could set those aside.  Seeing Lydia use her banshee scream against the Rider and against Stiles' "mom" was so satisfying, particularly since it was followed by a big Kiss between Stiles and Lydia.

Other great moments:

- Theo appearing to save Liam followed by Liam jumping on the horse.  I thought he was going to miss, which would have been hilarious.
- Stiles hitting Douglas with the baseball bat and his crack about assuming that Douglas was a bad guy, followed by hugging both Liam and Scott.
- Stiles using the liquid nitrogen to put the Hellhound to sleep so Parrish could resurface.
- Malis calling Peter "Dad" (awww!)
- The kiss between Argent and Mama McCall (you go!)
- The Alpha Roar letting the gang know to free Corey
- The whole ending sequence by Stiles' jeep capped with the call over the radio about a body in the woods

I am a little worried about how they are going to introduce a new villain and wrap everything up in 10 episodes.  Given the way that each season (or arc) has somehow led to the next one, I don't really see a new story can be told.  About the only thing I can see is there being some sort of anti-supernatural sentiment given the amount of damage the supernatural has done to the town over the past few years.  I am not sure if this will happen though given the fact that the town has gotten everyone back from the Riders and I am not sure if their memories have been reset as well.  I guess we will have to see.

Until the summer!

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