Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Some Thoughts about the Arrowverse Crossover 2018- Elseworlds

I always get really, really excited about the Arrowverse crossover events.  Watching the characters from some of my favorite shows come together is always a lot of fun to watch.  As I've said before, I didn't read comics growing up, so some of these stories I have heard of and some (like this years') I had to look up to see what they are.

When I heard that the Monitor was going to be in this year's event, I was excited because he was a major part of a comic crossover that I (and I imagine most people) have heard of: "Crisis on Infinite Earths".  So imagine my excitement when he said that there was a "crisis" coming and that someone more powerful than him was on their way.  At that point, I knew the crossover had to be coming, so when the title of the 2019 crossover flashed across the tv screen, I was super excited.

But, back to this year's event.  I have to say that I was really impressed.  I think keeping the Legends out of the crossover was a good idea.  While I liked both the Invasion! and the Crisis on Earth-X crossovers, they did feel a little full at times and they had trouble fitting everyone in.  I also loved watching Stephen and Grant play the Flash and Green Arrow respectively.  Watching Oliver try and figure out the speed thing was tremendously amusing as was the scene where Barry set the crossbows to shoot Oliver in the back.  And watching Barry growl the iconic line "You have failed this city!" when shooting the arrow at AMAZO was totally awesome.

My favorite scenes from each episode:

[1] The Flash- Hearing Remy Zero's "Save Me" with the totally iconic opening shot from the credits to Smallville and seeing the farm again.  I was waiting for Tom Welling or Annette O'Toole to step out at some point.  I literally teared up when I heard the opening notes of the song.  And, as mentioned above, the crossbows shooting Oliver were hilarious as was Oliver's reaction to meeting Superman.
[2] Arrow- Watching Barry and Oliver fight each other thinking that they were the Eobard Thawne and Malcolm Merlyn.  Just seeing the two original villains in each of their lives was really cool.  I also loved Ruby Rose as Kate Kane and the fact that she an Kara recognized each other as Batwoman and Supergirl.  And then there was Arkham Asylum.  I know I recognized it, but I can't quite place my fingers on what show(s) I have seen it on before.  Very annoyed about that.  And then having John Wesley Shipp play Barry Allen from Earth-90 along with the theme music from the 90's The Flash was also really cool.
[3] Supergirl- Superman did the coal move he did in Superman III!  He may have done it in the comics too, but Superman III was the first place I saw it.  I was so excited about that.  I also loved that Barry and Kara were willing to sacrifice themselves to save the planet.  In "Crisis on Infinite Earths", the Flash and Supergirl both die, so that fit here nicely.  Granted, neither would actually die, but it was nice to see and it spurred Oliver to confront the Monitor to save them.  And then there was the crossover promo for 2019 (go to the :45 mark for the actual thing, the start is the end of the episode) which had me super pumped.

Hope everyone enjoyed this year's crossover!  I know I did.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Thoughts on new shows

For the 2018-2019 tv season, I have tried a few new shows.  I have tried and discarded Manifest, A Million Little Things, and Magnum P.I.  I am undecided about All American, but love Single Parents and decided to give Charmed a shot.  They had the first episode tonight and it was better than I had expected.  The only other new show I have to watch is Legacies, but that isn't on until the 25th.

Honestly, I got 50 minutes into Manifest and was so bored that I deleted it.  I watched the first episodes of both Magnum P.I. and A Million Little Things, but neither was interesting enough to make me want to come back for more.  As for All American, it was ok and there was a twist at the end that intrigued me enough to come back for seconds, but it has to get better fast for me to stay around.

Single Parents is silly and fun.  I love that it doesn't take itself seriously and it is nice to finally see Leighton Meester in something other than Gossip Girl.  She is so good at the deadpan comedy that this series calls for.  I am really not much for the half hour comedies (not really a sitcom), but this and The Good Place are both funny enough that they are very fun to watch.  I also love the kids in the show who are more grown up than the adults.

As for Charmed tonight, that is the one I have been fighting myself the hardest over.  I loved the original series, so I have been incredibly wary of this show.  What I appreciate is that they keep a lot of the same language (three sisters are the Charmed Ones with a Whitelighter, their guardian died, there is a Source of All Evil, and a Book of Shadows) but they don't try an just copy the first show.  Even the powers are pretty much the same.  The oldest sister (this is the one who was given away for adoption!) has telekinesis and the middle sister can freeze time.  The main difference is that the youngest sister can read minds rather than being precognitive.  Yes, I know Phoebe could eventually read minds, but that was well into the series before they did that.  I also loved that the election which caused the Orange Menace to occupy the White House is one of the signs of the apocalypse.  That was a much needed laugh.  This one will definitely stick around for a while.

The only new show left is Legacies. I anticipate keeping that one around for a while unless they really screw it up. 

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Some Thoughts on The Fosters

Last night was the final episode of The Fosters.  I started watching this show during Season 1 (want to say my first episode was either "QuinceaƱera" or "The Morning After", but I could be wrong) and kept watching until the end.  For the first few seasons, the show was really, really good.  While it never got bad, I did get annoyed that they had the characters making the same mistakes over and over and over again.  No matter how many times they had to make a mistake, most never seemed to learn their lessons.  Brandon, for example, repeatedly sacrificed everything, including his dreams to help the girls he fell for.  Another example is that people kept trusting Mariana with their secrets despite her chronic inability to keep a secret that was not her own.  While I get that there are certain character traits that you may not outgrow, having the same story repeated over and over with a few details changed got annoying after a while.

I think the other thing that sort of drove me nuts about the show was the way they treated Jude.  In the first couple of seasons, when Hayden was in his early teens, I get not having him on the show as much.  But when he was on the show, he had good stories that really worked.  Watching Connor and Jude come out together was an incredibly powerful story.  But after Gavin left the series, it felt as if the writers no longer knew what to do with Jude.  Aside from reacting to what happened to Callie or the tepid romance with Noah, he really didn't do much in the last couple of seasons.  Losing Connor was a major blow to the series because Jonnor was one of the central relationships on the show.

All that being said, I did still enjoy the show, even if my enthusiasm waned in the last season and a half or so.  I appreciated that Callie was able to really grow and learn from her mistakes, even if it did take her a while.  I think she was about the only child on the show who really grew and developed much.  I also loved seeing Stef and Lena together.  The two of them had some rough patches, but they always managed to find their way through them and made their marriage work.  Like Callie, Stef changed a lot over the series.  Lena didn't change much, but Stef really developed from a gruff, almost authoritarian, character to someone who mellowed and was much more open in expressing what was going on in her life.  That was really cool to see.

Regarding the final three episodes, I did appreciate the way they wrapped up Brallie and the way they finally had Brandon stand up for himself, so we got a little growth there.  I also liked that they had Stef in a job where she directly helps people everyday, that was really cool.

I wish that there was more I could say, but there really isn't.  I do not plan on watching the spinoff because Mariana is my absolute least favorite character on the show and, while I like Callie more, she is not enough of a reason for me to watch.  I think it would have been cool to see a show about Jude; preferably with Connor; because having a show with a gay young adult (Hayden himself is straight as far as I know) as the main character would be cool. 

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

TV Schedule for the Fall

Hey everyone.  I am still not sure if I will go back to doing reviews, although I am seriously considering doing a Fosters wrap-up this week after the three night event is over.  As for the spinoff, I am not sure if I will watch it.  Mariana is my least favorite character on the show, so having a show where she is one of the two main characters is not a huge draw for me.

But, here is my schedule for the 2018-2019 year:

Italics means a new show I may watch
Bold means a new show I will watch
Underline means a show I already watch on a new night
Crossed out means that either I decided not to watch it or I saw the first episode and didn't like it


8 pm-  Supergirl (CW, October 14th)
9 pm-  Charmed (CW, October 14th)
10 pm- Madam Secretary (CBS, October 7th)


8 pm-  Arrow (CW, October 15th @ 8)
9 pm-  Legends of Tomorrow (CW, October 22nd)
10 pm- The Good Doctor (ABC, September 24th), Bull (CBS, September 24th), Manifest (NBC, September 24th)


8 pm-  The Gifted (Fox, September 25th), The Flash (CW, October 9th)
9 pm-  This is Us (NBC, September 25th), Black Lightning (CW, October 9th)


8 pm- Riverdale (CW, October 10th)
9 pm- All American (CW, October 10th)
9:30 pm- Single Parents (ABC, September 26th)
10 pm- A Million Little Things (ABC, September 26th)


8 pm-      Supernatural (CW, October 11th)
8:30 pm- The Good Place (NBC, September 27th)
9 pm-       Legacies (CW, October 25th)
10 pm-     How to Get Away With Murder (ABC, September 27th?)


8 pm- MacGyver (CBS, Spetember 28th), Blindspot (NBC, October 12th)

Coming back at mid-season: Blacklist, Instinct, The 100, iZombie, possibly Roswell, New Mexico

As you can tell, I have a much lighter load than I have had in the past.  The only new show I am definitely on board with at this point is Legacies, but that could change.  I am leery of the Charmed reboot and while Manifest looks interesting, I have had issues with high concept shows like that starting strong and then petering out very rapidly, so I am leery there as well.  I am also contemplating dropping HTGAWM because it is no where near as good as it was.  It has become almost a parody of itself at this point because it has become so convoluted and so wacky.  I would love for this to be its last season because then I would definitely watch it just to finish the show off.

UPDATE (10/2)- I decided to not watch Charmed and to drop HTGAWM.  I also watched the first episodes of both Manifest and A Million Little Things and really didn't like either, so they have been dropped.