Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Crisis on Infinite Earths Reaction

I finished watching the "Crisis on Infinite Earths" crossover and it ended very strongly and with a couple of really cool surprises.

First, the cameos. Ezra Miller as the DCU Flash was really cool.  I was so not expecting the movies to be tied into the Arrowverse, so that was a cool surprise.  Then there was Marv Wolfman, aka the guy who asked the Flash and Supergirl for their autographs in the combined Earth.  For those who don't know, he was the writer of the Crisis on Infinite Earths comics, so having him cameo was just a fun Easter egg.

I have to admit that I was surprised when the heroes seemingly defeated the Anti-Monitor in Part 4 (the Arrow episode).  I was expecting that fight to actually happen in Part 5 (the Legends episode), so having it happen sooner was a little unexpected.  I did appreciate that Oliver (as the Spectre) was the one to defeat the Anti-Monitor in the Arrow episode.  That was quite fitting, as was the fact that he died with Sara and Barry close by him, particularly since he did so much to inspire the two of them.  While it would have been nice for Diggle to be present, given everything, that was never going to happen.

If I understand everything properly, the entire multiverse has been collapsed down to one Earth, much like the comic crossover.  My one reason for questioning this has to do with Oliver's voiceover near the end, which seemed to indicate that there were other Earths out there, at least the Earths from DC's streaming service.  That did confuse me, I must admit.  Hopefully they will answer that question definitively relatively soon.  At the very least, the Paragons and their Earths have been collapsed into Earth-Prime (no longer Earth-1 since it combines at least 3 Earths).

I loved it when the Flash revealed the Justice League table at the end of the episode.  Having a central place for them to gather will make crossovers a little easier to do in terms of story now.  I don't know if they plan on doing a crossover next season, but it would be cool if it involved the Justice League.

I am wondering how they will manage the last couple of episodes of Arrow with Oliver Queen dead and gone.  I know the next episode is the backdoor pilot for the Canaries series, but there is another episode after that, so I am really wondering how this is going to work.  Is Oliver Queen some sort of celestial entity now as the Spectre or is it going to be something else entirely? 

I have to say overall that the crossover was quite good.  I had high expectations for it and; for the most part; it met them.  The last two episodes were particularly good after somewhat disappointing second and third episodes.  It didn't blow me out of the water the way I hoped, but it was really good.

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