Thursday, May 20, 2021

Love, Victor Season 2 Trailer

So the Love, Victor season 2 trailer dropped. I didn't see it on Hulu's Youtube page (I did see it in their IG story though) [UPDATE: Hulu put it on their YouTube page, go to], but I did find it here. It looks wonderful.  Here are some of my thoughts:













[1] Victor and Benji seem to be going strong and Victor is really out. The only issue mentioned were Victor's worries about sex and his worrying about the "right way" to be gay. Apparently the basketball team is uncomfortable around him, but he is not "gay enough" for Benji's friends. I also have to wonder if Benji dumping Derek for Victor might also play into that.

[2] Victor has apparently learned how to stand up for himself, which makes me happy. He spent so much of season 1 worried about making other people happy that he forgot to make sure he was taking care of himself.

[3] Isabel is apparently going to have a harder time dealing with Victor coming out than Armando does. Which isn't a huge surprise given how close Victor and Isabel are. She needs to adjust a lot to this new information. She comes across as not doing well at all and I really hope that what we see here is just the worst, but I fear it isn't.

[4] Lake is totally fine with Victor and Benji, which is a little surprising given how badly Victor hurt Mia. Although she does keep up good relations with Mia, which indicates that Mia is (a) very understanding or (b) not willing to make Lake choose between her and Victor. Either one is light years ahead of where I thought we would be, so that is good.

[5] Speaking of Mia, I found it interesting that Andrew has a girlfriend in the trailer. Not sure how long it took to start dating someone else, but I was not expecting that. It is a good sign for him though. And watching Andrew talk to Felix about grooming "downtown Felix" was a total hoot!

[6] Felix and Pilar are continuing their friendship, which looks awesome. I just really hope they don't try and make her an obstacle of some sort for Felix and Lake. The two of them as friends would be awesome. And seeing Felix and his mom together was heartbreaking. He has to take care of here and given the notice on the fridge, they are having trouble.

I am super excited for the new season and cannot wait for it to start!

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