Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My Reviews of One Tree Hill 9.06- Catastrophe and the Cure

We find out why Nathan was kidnapped, Brooke has to deal with the effects of Julian's decision last week, Chris finds out about Chase and Tara, Clay has another episode, and Dan has two unlikely confederates in his search for Nathan....

So, Nathan was kidnapped by some gangsters (Russian I am guessing) because he attempted to sign some basketball players who were on their payroll.  They view this as stealing and have decided to use Nathan as an example of what not to do.  Fortunately, Nathan has bought himself some time by convincing the guys holding him captive to ransom him.  Unfortunately, they have decided to sell him to the people who told them to kidnap him in the first place.

Poor Haley is beside herself.  She is trying to deal with Dan's revelations from last week, Nathan's disappearance, and Jamie all at the same time.  Fortunately, Brooke is taking care of the cafe and Quinn is helping with Jamie.  And Jamie helped get rid of Dan by yelling at him about doing something to Nathan.  She is holding together remarkably well under the circumstances, but I don't know how long that will last.  She and Nathan have become so intertwined at this point that losing him will probably come perilously close to destroying her.  On a cute note, Lydia started walking.  Aw.....

After her little act of vandalism last week (justifiable though it may have been), Brooke is dealing with an empty cafe.  So naturally, she turns to Millie for help.  Millie had the brilliant idea of bringing Chris in to sing.  I loved the conversation between Chris and Brooke.  He was being his normal smarmy self when Brooke dropped the bomb about Chase and Tara.  The look on his face was classic.  He has actually come to care about Tara and she ended that fairly quickly.  So, he agreed to play at Karen's cafe.  So cool.  Even better was his response to her indignant demand to know about why he was playing when he revealed the truth about her and Chase and then demanded to talk to Chase outside and promptly kicked him.  Oh lord...  And Chris' idea of therapy?  Going to a strip club paid for by Chase.  <eyes rolling>  May that little triangle now end and Tara go bubbye....

In addition to the cafe, Brooke had to deal with Julian's self-imposed "punishment" last week.  Fortunately, Dan stepped in and gave Julian some perspective after Julian helped investigate Nathan's disappearance.  I must say that Julian's use of his Director's Guild card to get into the house of Dan's former investor was amusing.  Unfortunately, the investigation was for naught.  Then in swoops Mouth who gives Dan information about Nathan's exploration of Eastern Europe for players.

Clay is still in recovery and for good reason.  He had another episode and left the center, only to run into Quinn who brought him back.  It would seem that the stress of Nathan's disappearance got to him and caused the episode, but I could be wrong.  I loved the scenes with Clay and Logan, those were really cute.

Next week, Lucas returns to help Haley out!

Until then...

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