Thursday, December 5, 2013

My Review of The Tomorrow People 1.08- Thanatos

While gathering intel, Russell makes a miscalculation about Jedekiah which causes some major issues; Stephen continues the hunt for his dad; Cara also makes a miscalculation where Jedekiah is concerned; Jedekiah's secret is revealed; John runs into serious trouble; and we meet The Founder.

Man, of all the mistakes to make, accidentally kidnapping Jedekiah has to rank up there.  Granted, it made for a good opportunity to get information about Thanatos, but it also put Ultra on red alert, which is never a good thing.  The only good things to come out of it was the discovery of Jedekiah's illicit affair and the discovery of Professor Crick.  Not that Crick was particularly helpful, but he did reveal that Stephen's dad also had the ability to stop time which leads to the (logical) assumption that this ability is inheritable.  The only question is why this family has that gene.  Maybe Stephen's dad did some experiments on himself which had the effect of expanding his powers?  So cannot wait to find out.

I get why Cara teleported in front of Jedekiah, but it was not the best move.  Yes, Russell was stupid to underestimate Jedekiah and let his guard down, but I think that Cara may have been able to get to Jedekiah in time to save Russell if she had run.  Now Jedekiah knows (or seriously suspects) that Stephen didn't give her the shot, which runs the serious risk of outing Stephen's double agent status.  The one thing that may save Stephen is that if Jedekiah reveals what he knows about Stephen, Cara or John may reveal what they discovered about Jedekiah.

So, the deep, dark secret that John is hiding is that he was the one who killed Stephen's dad.  That is a big one, and I can't say that I blame him for hiding it.  If everyone knew that he killed Stephen's dad then they may very well turn on John.  Messy, messy situation.  I would be very surprised if Stephen's dad is actually dead though, so I wonder how he survived.  If he is dead, I have to wonder how Stephen is seeing him and getting the info that he has been getting.

And now John is in the hands of Ultra.  That is horribly bad.  If they break him, they could destroy the Tomorrow People or (even worse) use John to wipe them out.  Breaking John would also lead to the discovery of Stephen as a double agent, which would be even worse.  I am now officially and seriously worried.

The Founder was creepy.  We already knew that he is an incredibly powerful telepath, but seeing him action was even worse.  He managed to find Jedekiah in a matter of minutes, when the other telepaths hadn't managed after hours of searching.  He also killed the one telepath without batting an eye, which would indicate that he is a sociopath and is also modified to kill people like John is.  All in all, this spells serious trouble for the Tomorrow People.

Next week Stephen brings himself to the brink of death in order to contact his father.  I also suspect that he will (at least) try to get John out of Ultra.  Then we go on hiatus for a month or so.  Until next week!

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