Friday, December 13, 2013

My Review of Vampire Diaries 5.10- Fifty Shades of Grayson

We learn more about Dr. Gilbert's relationship with Dr. Maxfield and the Augustinians, Damon and Stefan take steps to get Elena back, Aaron learns something new, Katherine confronts her mortality, and Damon meets a familiar face from his past and makes a shocking decision...

Well, I did not expect Damon to break up with Elena.  Even after learning about more horrible things from his past, Elena was willing to stick by him and stay with him.  Damon, however, had his mind screwed with by Enzo this week and Qetsiyah in weeks past.  They have him fully convinced that he is a monster who can never change and that Elena is destined to be with Stefan.  I so want to smack them all upside their heads.  Damon should know that Elena is strong-willed and makes up her own mind.  This nobility crap he is coming up with is ridiculous.  Is he perfect?  Hell to the no.  But he is also not the worse person in the world.  He says that he doesn't want to change Elena, but the problem is that the mere fact of being around someone for any period of time (let alone dating/sleeping with them!) is going to change them, there is no way around that.  He has changed Elena and she has changed him.  Damon is not the person we knew at the beginning of Season 1.  While many of his thought processes and actions are the same, he is a different person.  He has given up hope of changing and being good for Elena at this point in time, which is very unfortunate.

Another thing the Damon neglected to consider were the sources of the information that he has.  Qetsiyah and Enzo are by no means stable or reliable people.  Qetsiyah was blinded by her centuries old hatred of Amara and Silas, so she could see nothing else.  Enzo has spent the past 60 years (or so) hating Damon and (presumably) figuring out how to best torture Damon.  Damon really needs to trust himself and Elena and realize that she is with him for good, solid reasons.  She had the chance to pick Stefan and she didn't (and that was pre-vampire Elena).  Will there always be something between Elena and Stefan?  Of course, and Elena may one day change her mind and want to be with Stefan.  Instead, Damon reverts back to his old self and acts purely on momentary feelings rather than any sort of careful consideration.

You have to feel for Elena.  She has her memories about her dad destroyed and she is coping by trying to turn them into something good.  Therein, I think, lies Elena's flaw.  She is so steadfast and loyal to people that she can rationalize almost anything.  Granted, most of the time I agree with what she thinks, but there are times when it is questionable.  I am not sure how torturing a bunch of people in order to save others is (in any sense) moral.  Granted, the result (saving lives) is good, but the ends *DO NOT* justify the means in all cases, and this is definitely one of them.  There is a large difference between torturing and studying people (or sentient beings if you insist) for scientific/medical purposes and killing one to save many, many others if there is no other viable alternative.

Unless some sort of miracle is pulled out of thin air, Katherine is pretty much a goner.  Her aging has accelerated to the point where her senses are being affected.  Add to that the fact that she suffered some sort of attack at the end of the episode and it is not good for her.  It may be possible for her to hitch a ride with someone before she dies, but I am sort of doubting it.  I am going to miss her.  Granted, she is a complete bitch, but she has always been very entertaining to watch and figure out.  I am trying to figure out how Nadia will react to this turn of events.

Aaron has had his eyes opened in the last two episodes and he has been shaken to his core.  He knows that vampires exist and that one of them has a massive grudge against his family.  He discovered that the man who raised him was willing to give him up in exchange for his scientific experiments.  This is going to take some time to process.  I think he might be helpful, if only because he might be able to grant the gang access to places they might otherwise not be able to get into.  And I wonder what he is going to do with that syringe that he picked up.

Matt now has the Traveler's knife.  We still don't know much about it, but if Katherine hopes to switch bodies, she'll need it.  Hope we get more on that later.  I think it would be interesting to see Katherine hop into either Matt's or Nadia's body.  That would be quite interesting.

Well, this is the last episode of the year.  The show will be back on January 23rd.  See y'all then!

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