Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My Review of The Fosters 3.13- If and When

Stef makes a decision, Brandon and Mat find their Romeo & Juliet, Callie hears from AJ, Jude hangs out with Jack, and Jesus decides to look for his biological father.

My first question is why Jack is pretending to be AJ?  And how the heck does he know about Super Callie?  Maybe she put something on Fost and Found or maybe he knows AJ somehow.  And that boy does seem to be more than just a little socially inept.  He seems to be mainly interested in playing video games and not so much in being friends with Jude.  I hope he's not some super creepy stalker or something.  I guess we'll just have to figure it out later.

I feel sorry for Jude.  Connor is in LA and seems to be ignoring him.  And Jack acting oddly is not helping matters any.  I was surprised that Jude wasn't a little more understanding at first, after all he knows what it is like to be in the foster system.  Granted, he had Callie there for him most of the time, but he is generally an understanding and empathetic person.  I am hoping Callie is right in identifying his behavior as simply someone who's been separated from his boyfriend and is stressing about it.  Then again, a lot of teenagers undergo fairly radical personality changes as they grow up, so this may simply be that.  I just hope we get back our Judicorn soon.

I totally get why Stef didn't tell Callie about AJ, but I also get why Callie is upset.  If Stef had told Callie, she may have said something to AJ; like she did when Brandon told her; which could have caused AJ and Ty to leave.  I think Stef was also trying to avoid sticking Callie into any more of an awkward position than she absolutely had to.  For Callie, I am sure this whole thing brought up some of her trust issues.  I am also wondering how something like this could impact Fost and Found.  After all, it is meant to be a safe place for kids in the system to go and be safe.  If the police can use it to track them down or something, it might make them less likely to use it.  The other thing is that I am really not sure if Stef should have been making any decisions in a case like this.  Not only were her kids involved in the accident, but AJ is Mike's foster son.  The whole thing is fraught with emotional complications that could potentially come back in a court if Ty chooses to make an issue of it.  I am not 100% sure on .that score, but it is a possibility.

Stef has decided to go through with the prophylactic double mastectomy.  As I said last week, I do not agree with the decision, but it is her decision and we do have to respect it.  The problem is that I do get why someone would have this sort of procedure done, but I just have personal issues with doing something that radical without more knowledge.  I do want to note that I would say the exact thing if a guy had a similar issue, so this isn't a sex thing.  I was so not fond of her mother this week or last week.  The blatant emotional manipulation and the way over the top dramatics were just ridiculous.  I get that she is worried about what could happen to Stef, but she really should have been more straightforward and less manipulative.  I also have to say that I am proud of Lena for (apparently) going right along with Stef's wishes.   The two of them do have a good relationship and can generally work things out well.  The way they always emphasize that they respect the other *BEFORE* presenting why they disagree cannot be an easy way to argue, but it works, and that is good for them.

I am really curious about why Ana seemed to lie to Jesus about hie biological father.  I assume that there is something there that she doesn't want him to know, so I wonder what it is.  Maybe he is an addict like she is and she just doesn't want Jesus around him for that reason.  Of course, it is always possible that Jesus' cousin misunderstood what her parents were saying, so maybe he really was just a one night stand.

Poor Mariana.  She didn't get to be the class president.  At least she is Juliet in Mat and Brandon's production.  The only issue?  Mat is Romeo.  To his credit, although he doesn't want to work with her, he knows she's the best and agrees to work with her.  I am totally seeing a whole lot of drama there though.  I do wonder if that was actually Cierra's real voice or if someone else actually sang for her.  If it was her, than she has a really nice set of pipes and totally deserves the opportunity to show off.  That also would mean that three of the actors are also musicians: David, Maia, and Cierra.  I just hope Talia doesn't get too mad, but when she hears Mariana's voice, I hope she understands.

Until next week!

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