Thursday, April 27, 2017

My Review of Arrow 5.19- Dangerous Liasons

In an effort to find Chase, Felicity takes some questionable steps; Diggle finds out some disturbing information, and Lance helps Rene out...

Did Felicity do wrong?  That is the big question tonight.  She's right when she said that Oliver has taken some questionable steps in the past, but by involving Helix and helping them to free someone who was in Helix's custody, she did take some steps that Oliver hadn't in the past.  She's right that they did need help to find Chase, but freeing a prisoner was a bit of an extreme way to get that help.  That being said, I find it hard to say that she was wrong, if only because sometimes extreme situations do call for extreme measures.

I get the feeling that Oliver might agree with this on some level because he really didn't put up much of a fight with her when he talked with her in her apartment.  Then again, he did go with the team to stop her, so I could be wrong.  It could also be that he realizes that, in this situation, he doesn't have much of a leg to stand on.  at least he and Felicity will have plenty of time to figure things out next week, seeing as they're trapped in the lair and everything.

So about that program that the freed prisoner gave them.  Was it intended to send out that EMP or did Chase do something to harm Oliver and Felicity?  If it was intentional, then that puts tonight in an entirely different light and Felicity was a fool to trust Helix.  It's entirely possible that Helix is working with Chase and that the code that Felicity was given was meant to cripple the lair in order to give Chase time to do something.  Or it could be that Helix was hoping to catch the entire team together and cause problems because of what happened.

And that leads to the next big issue: Lyla is turning into Amanda Waller.  I know she became the head of ARGUS with the intention of reforming it, but what is right and wrong can often change depending on your perspective.  Lyla has been tasked with protecting her agents and the world, so she is going to have different priorities now.  Operating a secret jail is so not kosher, but it is hard to blame her for wanting to keep someone who had hacked into ARGUS put away where she could keep an eye on him.  Here, once again, Diggle's perfectly black and white view of the world rears its head.  Granted, this time I do think he is right, but that doesn't mean that Lyla doesn't have any valid points.  The world she is operating in is all sorts of different shades of grey, so sometimes she has to do things that are not exactly kosher.

I did enjoy the subplot of Lance helping Rene reunite with his daughter.  That help provide some sweet interludes to a fairly dark episode.  And I am even more glad that Rene finally decided to fight to get his daughter back.

Until next week!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

My Review of The Flash 3.19- The Once and Future Flash

Barry goes to the future to find out who Savitar is and finds out some unpleasant information while the gang deals with the fallout of what Julian did to Caitlin...

While we didn't get to see who Savitar is (BOO!!), Killer Frost did and she certainly seemed to know who he is, which leads me to suspect that Savitar is someone we know.  One fairly obvious answer is Ronnie.  When we last saw him, he was flying into the singularity, so he could have been trapped in the Speed Force for a long time or he could have been thrown out of time.  And since the singularity was caused by Barry, that would certainly explain why Savitar has such a hatred for him.  That being said, I am not sure how Ronnie could have become a speedster, unless the suit is what gives him his speed, so that is an issue.  Based on what the future Killer Frost said to our Barry, the person who is Savitar is close to him, but since we saw the rest of the gang in the future, and we know that Savitar is trapped in the Speed Force, I am not sure who else it could be.

The future versions of everyone were pretty much what I would have expected.  Having lost Iris, Barry seriously drifted from the group which led to the group completely falling apart.  Joe is still grieving Iris' death, Wally tried to avenge Iris but ended up being paralyzed and in some sort of catatonic state, and Julian went back to science.  About the only surprising thing was that Cisco had fought Killer Frost and she froze both his hands, so he lost them and had to create robotic ones for himself.  Consequently, he lost his powers and everything else as well.  Oh, and Killer Frost was captured and being held in the prison where Julian worked.  And good old HR kept writing books (or a book anyway).

One thing that I did find interesting is that the city wasn't completely taken over by villains in the Flash's absence.  You did have Top and Mirror Master who seemed to be on a bit of a crime spree, but that was it.  I was pleasantly surprised that the writers didn't slip into that particular trope of a city going to hell in a handbasket with the absence of the hero, since that is something that could very easily have happened.

So the next thing for the gang to do is find the physicist who created the trap that Barry used to finally cage Savitar in the Speed Force and get her to create it early, because if they can, then Barry can save Iris.  I'm not sure what the effects of changing the future that way will be, but I am not sure if things can get any worse for the group.  But, as we know, messing with time is a dangerous thing, so trapping Savitar 4 years early could have unknown consequences.  After all, that would mean saving at least one life (Iris), if not more, and who knows how people being alive who should have been dead will affect the timeline.

Until next week!

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 4.20- Until Tomorrow

Jesus has some serious problems with Brandon and Emma, the school board pulls an underhanded maneuver to get their way, Callie does something very Callie-ish and misses some very important news...

Callie has gotten herself in quite the pickle here,  Because she thought she was going to go jail, she decided to save Christina from Diamond's pimp by pretending to be Christina.  Very Callie-ish of her, jumping in to save someone without really thinking it through.  The idea of letting Stef track them using the phone was smart, but once the phone was sent away, she knew she was in trouble.  And for someone who has already been the victim of rape to be placed in that situation has to be a nightmare.  I have to assume that they will get the current problem solved relatively quickly, but the emotional repercussions for Callie could be dramatic.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know is that Mike had already gotten a confession out of the grandson about the murder, which could have been used to show that her fears were justified and that she acted in a way that was not illegal.  I''m just worried that Detective Grey will figure out what has been going on and take steps to stop it because it will reflect badly on him.  Either that or the grandson's lawyer will find some way to get the confession excluded, which will put Callie right back int he same situation.

And then there is Anchor Beach.  The way Drew, Nick's dad, and the school board pushed through the vote to convert Anchor Beach to a private school was absolutely disgusting and underhanded.  First, forcing Monte out in order to put Drew in charge and then making the session closed instead of open, while technically legal, was just awful.  They didn't get any input from any parents at the school other than the board, who appeared to be rich, white parents who could afford the $30,000 a year tuition while excluding the "riff raff" that had been there.  Nick's dad was only doing ti because he was mad about what happened to Nick although it was mostly his fault.  And to close the session after telling everyone it would be open was just wrong.  I almost have to wonder if this was something the board has wanted since they put Monte in place instead of Lena.  I hope the kids and parents protesting outside of the school has an effect, but I am afraid it won't.

And then there was the whole Jesus situation.  When he was talking with Stef and Lena, he seemed to be ok, but then he confronted Mariana who told him that Brandon knew about the abortion and he completely flipped out.  I get why he is upset, but; as I've said in the past; I am very much in Emma's corner on this one.  Jesus was not, and still is not, in the place where he can be a good father and Emma is certainly not ready to be a mother herself.  Telling Jesus given the way he was reacting to everything was also out of the question, so she was caught between a rock and a hard place.  Tell Jesus and risk him seriously flip out and potentially do something dangerous or not tell him and then have him flip out later when he does find out.  So yeah, I think she did the right thing.  And Brandon was being a good friend to Emma by keeping her secret, something that Mariana (as we saw last week) is utterly incapable of doing.  So Jesus now has it in his head that Brandon got Emma pregnant and that is why she got the abortion, which means he is right back to where he was after he got back home.  Seriously sucky situation.

I have to wonder how Jude is going to react to everything going on with Callie.  He seems to have realized that she is trying to help people when she does impulsive things, so I hope he'll be supportive of her when she comes back.  That conversation the two of them had on the beach, where he said that she was his hero, was a very touching scene.

Until July 11th!

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 4.19- Who Knew

All sorts of secrets are outed, some intentionally with good reason, others accidentally that probably should have stayed buried for now.

As much as I love Mariana, she is the worst possible person to confide anything to.  She is constitutionally incapable of keeping a secret that is not her own.  While I do think she did the right thing by telling Lena and Monte what Jude told her, if I were him, I never would have told her in the first place.  I get why he didn't want to say anything, after all, he was there after hours and for not the best reason.  But something like that needed to be shared/

That being said, Mariana's "anonymous" Twitter account is going to cause a ton of problems.  First, she tweeted about the school potentially becoming private before Lena told her and Brandon not to say anything and then there was the post Jesus saw about Emma's abortion.  Mariana, your complete inability to keep something a secret is the reason people don't confide in you.  Emma was going through something really, really hard and she knew that she could rely on Brandon.  Mariana is entirely too quick to judge and doesn't really think about how things affect other people.  Granted, a lot of that is because she is the stereotypical teenage girl (sorry, but she does fit that particular bill!), but still, it gets annoying sometimes.  Brandon is right, Jesus is not in any position to handle a baby right now and Emma isn't either.  Could she have carried the baby to term and the given it up for adoption?  Sure, but that would have caused more problems and stress for Jesus, which would have been a bad idea.  I get that Mariana is upset about what Emma did, but she really doesn't get a voice in it.

So Stef and Lena are all caught up on the abortion and whatnot.  They reacted pretty much as I would have expected.  After questioning Brandon a bit, they acknowledged that he had done the right thing and thanked him for it.  I hope that they talk with Emma before talking with her parents or before either Jesus or Mariana talk with them.  Emma didn't want to tell them and I think it is incumbent on everyone else to respect that.  But, given Jesus' temper and Mariana's inability to keep a secret, I worry that one of them will say something to her parents, which is going to open a whole new can of worms.

As for Mariana and Ana, I am not sure what to think.  Both Mariana and Jesus have independently had similar memories, so it is possible that something like what they are remembering did happen.  It is also possible that they are not remembering accurately, particularly since they are talking about memories from such a young age.  The conception of time is a whole lot different when you are a kid, so it is possible that what they are remembering as a day or more was not that long.  Then again, it is also entirely possible that Ana did leave them alone for that long when she was on drugs.

As much as Brandon may dislike it, I can't say I totally blame Stef for being a little concerned where he and Callie are concerned.  We have heard his empathetically say that he wouldn't do anything with her, but we know he did.  I do think that the two of them are in a better place now to be friends, so I don't think there is anything to worry about.  But Stef's concern is not completely groundless.  Then again, neither is Brandon's frustration.  But he does have to realize that his past actions have put his judgment into question, so he does need to deal with it in a way that does not involve blowing up at Stef.

Poor Callie, Her former foster brother is now saying that he is guilty of the murder and that he used her, and she used him.  Was he a cause to her?  Yes.  But she cared deeply about his being free if he was innocent, so the cause was just.  I don't know if we can believe him, so I hope we get a more definitive answer later on.  I do think it is very possible that he didn't commit the murder, but said he did in order to get her to go away or because he is mad at her.

And Stef now knows that Diamond is still communicating with her pimp.  Hopefully, she can use what she is discovering to take down the pimp and get Diamond out of the situation she is in.

Next week, the season finale.  Until then!