Thursday, April 27, 2017

My Review of Arrow 5.19- Dangerous Liasons

In an effort to find Chase, Felicity takes some questionable steps; Diggle finds out some disturbing information, and Lance helps Rene out...

Did Felicity do wrong?  That is the big question tonight.  She's right when she said that Oliver has taken some questionable steps in the past, but by involving Helix and helping them to free someone who was in Helix's custody, she did take some steps that Oliver hadn't in the past.  She's right that they did need help to find Chase, but freeing a prisoner was a bit of an extreme way to get that help.  That being said, I find it hard to say that she was wrong, if only because sometimes extreme situations do call for extreme measures.

I get the feeling that Oliver might agree with this on some level because he really didn't put up much of a fight with her when he talked with her in her apartment.  Then again, he did go with the team to stop her, so I could be wrong.  It could also be that he realizes that, in this situation, he doesn't have much of a leg to stand on.  at least he and Felicity will have plenty of time to figure things out next week, seeing as they're trapped in the lair and everything.

So about that program that the freed prisoner gave them.  Was it intended to send out that EMP or did Chase do something to harm Oliver and Felicity?  If it was intentional, then that puts tonight in an entirely different light and Felicity was a fool to trust Helix.  It's entirely possible that Helix is working with Chase and that the code that Felicity was given was meant to cripple the lair in order to give Chase time to do something.  Or it could be that Helix was hoping to catch the entire team together and cause problems because of what happened.

And that leads to the next big issue: Lyla is turning into Amanda Waller.  I know she became the head of ARGUS with the intention of reforming it, but what is right and wrong can often change depending on your perspective.  Lyla has been tasked with protecting her agents and the world, so she is going to have different priorities now.  Operating a secret jail is so not kosher, but it is hard to blame her for wanting to keep someone who had hacked into ARGUS put away where she could keep an eye on him.  Here, once again, Diggle's perfectly black and white view of the world rears its head.  Granted, this time I do think he is right, but that doesn't mean that Lyla doesn't have any valid points.  The world she is operating in is all sorts of different shades of grey, so sometimes she has to do things that are not exactly kosher.

I did enjoy the subplot of Lance helping Rene reunite with his daughter.  That help provide some sweet interludes to a fairly dark episode.  And I am even more glad that Rene finally decided to fight to get his daughter back.

Until next week!

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