Wednesday, April 12, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 4.20- Until Tomorrow

Jesus has some serious problems with Brandon and Emma, the school board pulls an underhanded maneuver to get their way, Callie does something very Callie-ish and misses some very important news...

Callie has gotten herself in quite the pickle here,  Because she thought she was going to go jail, she decided to save Christina from Diamond's pimp by pretending to be Christina.  Very Callie-ish of her, jumping in to save someone without really thinking it through.  The idea of letting Stef track them using the phone was smart, but once the phone was sent away, she knew she was in trouble.  And for someone who has already been the victim of rape to be placed in that situation has to be a nightmare.  I have to assume that they will get the current problem solved relatively quickly, but the emotional repercussions for Callie could be dramatic.

Unfortunately, what she didn't know is that Mike had already gotten a confession out of the grandson about the murder, which could have been used to show that her fears were justified and that she acted in a way that was not illegal.  I''m just worried that Detective Grey will figure out what has been going on and take steps to stop it because it will reflect badly on him.  Either that or the grandson's lawyer will find some way to get the confession excluded, which will put Callie right back int he same situation.

And then there is Anchor Beach.  The way Drew, Nick's dad, and the school board pushed through the vote to convert Anchor Beach to a private school was absolutely disgusting and underhanded.  First, forcing Monte out in order to put Drew in charge and then making the session closed instead of open, while technically legal, was just awful.  They didn't get any input from any parents at the school other than the board, who appeared to be rich, white parents who could afford the $30,000 a year tuition while excluding the "riff raff" that had been there.  Nick's dad was only doing ti because he was mad about what happened to Nick although it was mostly his fault.  And to close the session after telling everyone it would be open was just wrong.  I almost have to wonder if this was something the board has wanted since they put Monte in place instead of Lena.  I hope the kids and parents protesting outside of the school has an effect, but I am afraid it won't.

And then there was the whole Jesus situation.  When he was talking with Stef and Lena, he seemed to be ok, but then he confronted Mariana who told him that Brandon knew about the abortion and he completely flipped out.  I get why he is upset, but; as I've said in the past; I am very much in Emma's corner on this one.  Jesus was not, and still is not, in the place where he can be a good father and Emma is certainly not ready to be a mother herself.  Telling Jesus given the way he was reacting to everything was also out of the question, so she was caught between a rock and a hard place.  Tell Jesus and risk him seriously flip out and potentially do something dangerous or not tell him and then have him flip out later when he does find out.  So yeah, I think she did the right thing.  And Brandon was being a good friend to Emma by keeping her secret, something that Mariana (as we saw last week) is utterly incapable of doing.  So Jesus now has it in his head that Brandon got Emma pregnant and that is why she got the abortion, which means he is right back to where he was after he got back home.  Seriously sucky situation.

I have to wonder how Jude is going to react to everything going on with Callie.  He seems to have realized that she is trying to help people when she does impulsive things, so I hope he'll be supportive of her when she comes back.  That conversation the two of them had on the beach, where he said that she was his hero, was a very touching scene.

Until July 11th!

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