Tuesday, July 18, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.02- Exterminate Her

The Fosters get a new neighbor who is not so new to someone in the house, Callie starts to take control of her life, Jesus learns a secret, and Brandon discovers something interesting.

So, the wife of the married couple who moves in next to the Fosters knows Stef somehow.  I am wondering if she is the girl Stef had a crush on that caused her father to send her to be "cured".  That would explain the awkwardness of their finally meeting each other.  Other than that, the new neighbors seem great.  Granted, the wife stuck her foot in her mouth when she talked about Anchor Beach (not that she was entirely wrong!), but she seemed genuinely sorry that she did so.  And the husband offered to fix the fence for free, which is cool.  We need backstory ASAP!

I get that Jesus is frustrated that people are treating him differently, but he had a massive injury and has a tendency to fly off the handle at the slightest provocation, so no, I can't say I blame anyone for keeping things from him.  If he really wants to have people stop hiding things from him, he needs to accept that he has changed and deal with stuff.  And yes, I know that it is easier said than done, but he can't go back to the way things were because things are very different now.  And witnessing the two tantrums he's had in the last two weeks, it's hard to blame people for wanting to avoid upsetting him.

As for the school paper, I am not entirely sure we can trust Drew when he said that a student wrote the op-ed.  Sorry, but the guy has proven himself to be underhanded, slimy, and generally completely untrustworthy.  He is doing everything in his power to make sure that the privatization goes through, which leads me to wonder if he has any skin in the game or is earning something from Nick's dad.  While I can't say I like the whole hacking into the school's email thing, it was worth it just so that Lena could throw Drew's words back in his face.  That was fun.

I can't believe that Brandon didn't pick up on the total fakeness of the whole "my ex handcuffed me to the bed in my sexy underwear" story.  I just hung my head for a sec when he left her apartment.  Granted, he had an interview, but at least arrange an assignation for later!  I did love that Callie pointed out to him what he obviously missed/

As for Callie, she had a big week.  She is auditing an art class. and for a bit it looked like Robert paid to get her into the class.  I get why she was upset about that because Robert does have a history of trying to buy his daughter and Callie out of trouble.  I know he means the best, but he really needs to get another schtick.  At least he didn't pay anyone off this time, so that is a good thing.  Callie just needs to get her inspiration going because she is really talented as an artist.  I really think that she needs to figure out a way to marry her art with her passion for helping other people.  If she can use her art to help people, than maybe she won't keep putting herself in danger.

Then there's Gabe.  On the one hand, keeping something from your kid (whether or not you are the parent) is never an easy thing to do.  On the other, he really should have respected Stef and Lena's wishes to stay out of it.  Of course, if Mariana hadn't have opened her mouth and told Gabe about Jesus' potential problem, then he wouldn't have known anything to lie about, so there is another issue we can lay at her door.  I know I rag on her a lot, but she really earns it because she is constitutionally incapable of keeping a secret.  While her being bossy in not alway a bad thing, the problem is that she has caused problems with people in the past because of her controlling tendencies.  And I really think that Jesus wants to do this on his own, if only to prove that he can.  Telling Mariana that he will work with Emma had to hurt though.  Maybe he could have asked one of his moms for help?

Until next week!

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