Thursday, July 13, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.01- Resist

Sorry this is late, but I wasn't able to watch the episode last night, so here is my review of the 5th season premiere....

While Stef desperately searches for Callie (who is in way over her head), Brandon and Emma look for an incensed Jesus while Lena tries to deal with protesters (including Jude) led by Mariana at Anchor Beach...

Callie got herself in so far over her head that I am a little surprised she emerged unscathed.  Well, physically unscathed anyway.  It's a good thing she thinks fast on her feet, because she needed every ounce of strength and cunning she had tonight.  Did she do a good thing?  Yes.  Was it the right thing?  That is a far trickier question.  Stef was right when she observed that Callie doesn't value her own life as highly as she does others.  I don't think it's that Callie doesn't care about herself, rather it is that she has an intense need to protect other people and that need seems to take precedence over her own safety.  She got out this time, but that was in large part due to Diamond sending that text.  I really hope she takes stock of her life and begins to realize that she needs to be smarter about how she helps people.

Brandon is similar to Callie in this respect, although his need seems to spring from a different place.  Callie grew up way too quickly because she had to protect Jude in the different houses she was in.  Brandon, on the other hand, had to grow up relatively quickly because of his dad's drinking and because he was often overlooked while the twins were being taken care of.  I've seen other people say Brandon shouldn't have hidden Emma's pregnancy from Jesus, but I completely disagree.  The secret was Emma's to share when she felt ready, so he was doing the right thing.  And while I understand that Jesus' TBI is a huge mitigating factor here, I think Brandon has every right to be mad at Jesus for destroying his room.  I think this issue is going to be with them for quite some time.

As for the protest, I think that storyline is going to be another major one this season.  You have the school board and Nick's dad who are looking to privatize the school so it will be more to their liking while Monte, Lena, the parents, and students are going to be fighting this tooth and nail.  Since the vote was technically invalid since Monte is technically principal, there is a chance that they can win, but I don't know how big of a chance they actually have.  As I said in the last review, what the board did in closing the meeting was technically legal, but it was also a disgusting thing to do.  I am half expecting some sort of legal battle over the school.  And poor Jude got maced after Nick's dad tried to shove Mariana aside.  Then when Drew had the temerity to claim that the protesters had escalated the whole situation....just smdh.

I did definitely enjoy watching Gabe and Ana talking about their difficulties and frustrations about the twins.  I do not envy the situation that they are in.  Having teenagers semi-dropped in your lap is a lot to deal with and I think they are doing an admirable job.  They are helping out when they can without stepping in as parents and stepping on Stef and Lena's toes.  It'll be nice for them to stick around.

Until next week!

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