Thursday, May 25, 2017

My Review of Arrow 5.23- Lian Yu

Oliver puts together quite the band to take on Chase and Talia and the flashbacks come full circle...

Well, as promised, the flashbacks are officially over.  The last set of flashbacks ended with Oliver putting on the costume we saw from the pilot and getting rescued.  I have to admit that I wondered if he was going to be rescued right then or if he was going to be on the island a bit longer.  We had been told last summer that the flashbacks would end this season, so I knew he would be rescued, the only question was whether he would be rescued by the crew Anitoly sent or not.  But he was and now that circle is closed.

The fight against Chase was as vicious as could have been expected.  Some of my guesses from last week were correct in general, even if the specifics were wrong.  Nyssa did fight Talia and Oliver did fight Chase, but, interestingly, Oliver chose to send Malcolm with Nyssa to find William while he and Slade went to find everyone else.  Slade has calmed down dramatically since we last saw him and actually worked very well with Oliver.  Malcolm also worked rather well, mainly because Oliver chose to keep him close to Thea, knowing that Malcolm would (and apparently did) die to protect her.  I say "apparently did" because, while we saw an explosion, we never actually saw Malcolm die, so there is always the possibility that he somehow survived.  Slim chance, I know, but without seeing some sort of proof, I will still list him as apparently dead.

The other thing I got right is that Slade did take on the minions, and he did quite well at it too.  Wild Dog and Diggle also did a good job fighting the minions in hand-to-hand combat.  I have to admit to being surprised at how easily Nyssa was able to defeat Talia.  I honestly thought that the fight would have lasted longer.  Instead, it was very brief and ended with Nyssa victorious.  The scream between the Black Siren and the Black Canary was sort of fun to see and I loved that Lance clocked the Black Siren upside the head to knock her out.

Putting the makeshift team together to save his friends and family was vintage Oliver.  As I've said many, many times before, he can be extremely pragmatic when the situation warrants it.  He knows he can trust Nyssa and he knows that he can trust Malcolm to protect Thea.  Other than having the information about his son, I'm not sure why Oliver thought he could trust Slade, but I am glad he did because Slade acquitted himself nicely in this fight.  Oliver doesn't like him, but knows that he can work with Slade if needed, and boy was it needed tonight.

What I am really curious about is how the hell Chase managed to plant and network that many bombs all over the island without ARGUS finding out about it.  Something about that is just really weird.  That said, I think I can overlook that plothole because the rest of the episode was so awesome.  Oliver told Chase that he wouldn't kill him, and he meant it.  He shot Chase in the leg with an arrow, but he didn't count on Chase being willing to kill himself in order to finish his revenge.

We know that the whole team isn't wiped out because Black Canary, Black Siren, and Wild Dog were all recently promoted to series regulars, so they (and presumably the rest of the team as well) got away from the explosions somehow.  Did they manage to get to the boat in time?  Or maybe they went into the ARGUS facility and escaped the blasts.  We'll just have to wait and see what happens when the show returns in the fall.

Until then!

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