Wednesday, May 24, 2017

My Review of The Flash 3.23- Finish Line

The team takes on Savitar with a result that wasn't predicted, but makes sense...

As I guessed last week, HR traded places with Iris and was killed as a result.  What I got wrong was when the switch happened.  I thought that someone had switched him and Iris while Savitar was running around, but HR had actually switched places with Iris earlier.  That was quite brave of him and, as I said last week, it makes sense because he felt guilty that he had inadvertently revealed where Iris was when he thought that Savitar was Barry.  The good news is that HRs death brought Harry back to help the team out.  While I did enjoy HR, Harry is my favorite version of Wells that we have met so far.

I must admit that I did think that Savitar was actually going to go down the path that Barry had suggested.  Well, I did until he was talking to Barry and Iris alone and he was talking about how hard it would be for him to find a place in the team.  At that point, I knew that he wasn't going to give up.  What I didn't expect was for him to cause the Philosopher's Stone to blow up (or whatever it did).  I'm not sure if he was trying to kill Barry and the gang or if he was trying to do something to distract them.

The final fight which pitted the Flash (Earth-1), the Flash (Earth-2), Kid Flash, Gypsy, and Vibe against Savitar and Killer Frost was pretty cool.  I think the coolest moment was when Barry vibrated his way into Savitar's suit and then cause it to explode.  That was pretty cool and reminded me of how Neo killed Agent Smith in The Matrix.  The part I really didn't expect was for Iris to shoot Savitar.  I totally get why she did it, but it was unexpected.  When I heard the shot, I half expected Joe to be the one with the gun, so seeing Iris be the one who shot Savitar was a twist that I didn't expect.

As for the ending, we know that Barry isn't going to be trapped in the Speed Force jail for longer than an episode or two.  I am working on the assumption that he will somehow get out of the jail either at the beginning of the premiere or right at the end.  My only question is how they will get him out without destabilizing the jail again and unleashing havoc on Central City.  If a speedster has to be in the prison, then someone will have to take his place.  The only other option that I can see is for them to somehow shut the prison down after they get Barry out.

Having Barry go to the prison is a fitting end to the season.  While the havoc he wrought was unintentional, Barry did make a lot of mistakes that he needed to pay for.  If he hadn't created Flashpoint, then Savitar would never have been created, the Dominators wouldn't have come to Earth, and the Reverse Flash wouldn't have been around to mess with reality using the Spear of Destiny.  My one question is why no one thought to see if Jay Garrick could have gone back in.  I do get that Barry sees this as his penance for what he has done, but if Garrick had volunteered to go back in, that would have put someone in the prison and stabilized it.

Then there is Caitlin.  She decided not to take the therapy that would have erased her metahuman cells, so she still has her powers.  However, she isn't Killer Frost anymore.  If she can figure out a way to use her powers without going all dark side, she would be very useful to the team.  She just needs to figure out how she can do that.

Overall, I can't say that I loved this season.  It was fairly uneven and a little too dark for this show.  Next season, they really need to bring back some of the lightness and fun from the first season.  With Barry being gone, I have to wonder how the team will cope.  Wally will have to step up and protect the city and everyone else will have to go on with their lives.  I just hope that not too much time passes between now and when Barry is freed.  I also hope they don't have Iris go down a path where she obsesses over how to get Barry back.  This will put a crimp in their relationship, methinks.

Until the fall, have fun!

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