Wednesday, May 17, 2017

My Review of The Flash 3.22- Infantino Street

The day of reckoning has arrived and the entire gang is working tirelessly to sae Iris from Savitar. But did they succeed?

Apparently, the answer is "No" since we saw Savitar stab Iris.  That being said, there are some inconsistencies between the way this final scene played out from how we have seen it before.  In previous iterations, Barry did not have the Speed Bazooka, but this time he did.  Also, in at least one previous iteration, we saw HR on the roof of the building with Joe, but he wasn't there this time.  Between that, HR's feeling of guilt over having revealed Iris' hiding place to Savitar, and the reminder of the disguising technology, I have to wonder if maybe HR managed to somehow switch places with Iris while Savitar was running around while Barry was shooting at him.  With everyone focused on Barry shooting at Savitar, it is possible that HR (or someone else for that matter) could have switched places with Iris in order to save her from being killed.  I'm not sure if I would say that it is likely, but it is definitely possible.

One reason why I am doubting that Iris is actually gone is that it would be a major change to the show, such a major change that I am not sure if the writers would go there.  Unlike Laurel's death last year on Arrow, Iris' death would be much more consequential.  We've already seen how Iris' death would impact the team, so I don't think they are going there.  I guess they could if they wanted to examine how Barry could handle things differently, but that does not seem at all likely to me.  As always, I have to say that I could be wrong, but her actually dying here strikes me as being very wrong.

That being said, I did appreciate that Barry did show the lengths he was willing to go to (or not go to) in his efforts to save Iris.  I am not entirely sure I agree with Lyla's reasoning to not give the Dominator tech to Barry, mainly because what he wanted it for was not to change the past but to alter the future, which is a different creature altogether.  I did appreciate that her decision did lead Barry to get Snart to help him.  That was just something fun to watch.  Snart is always fun to see, so seeing him help Barry just made things lots and lots of fun.  It also showed that, while Barry is definitely willing to bend the rules to help people he loves, he does have his limits.  He could have sacrificed Snart to save Iris, but he wouldn't have, which is a good thing.  I am scratching my head a little about why that made Lyla change her mind so quickly though.  I appreciate that it did, but that did seem a bit mercurial of her, however necessary it was for the plot.

The other major story, which I think will be explored more next week, was the fight between Cisco and Killer Frost that has been brewing for a while.  He hasn't lost his hands (yet) or anything, but she is convinced that she must get rid of Cisco in order to "ascend" with Savitar.  That makes me wonder if Cisco is some sort of major threat to Savitar.  After all, if he somehow convinced Killer Frost to go after Cisco, it is entirely possible that it could be because Cisco can do something to him.

Until next week!

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