Thursday, May 18, 2017

My Review of Arrow 5.22- Missing

Oliver finds himself teaming up with an unlikely group of people after Chase kidnaps his entire team and heads to Lian Yu...

The team that Oliver has put together to take on Chase and Talia is a powder keg that could very easily explode in his face.  First, there is Malcolm Merlyn.  There is absolutely no love lost between him and Oliver.  That being said, I think this is a situation where Malcolm can be trusted to be at least moderately helpful.  Whatever faults he may have, and there are quite a few of them, Malcolm has shown an unswerving dedication to keeping Thea safe.  While his ideas of what is in her best interest generally diverge from what she actually wants, he does have that going for him.  While I wouldn't trust him unreservedly, he can be trusted to at least make sure that she is kept alive.  That being said, I suspect that if he thought that teaming with Chase would be the best thing for Thea, he might choose that route.  However, I don't see that being the case.

Then you have Nyssa, who is by far the most trustworthy of the group.  The only issue with her is how she will react to Talia's presence.  There doesn't seem to be a whole lot of love there either, but I would never discount family ties.  Then again, she is still technically married to Oliver, so I think she can be trusted to stay with him.  And she is definitely a formidable warrior who has shown herself capable of taking down almost any foe.  The only people who give her trouble are Oliver and Malcolm, and I think we can safely assume that both Talia and Chase would give her difficulties as well since they are both of a similar caliber.

Then there is Deathstroke.  He is going to be the biggest wildcard.  He hates Oliver, even before Oliver locked him up on Lian Yu. so I have to wonder how Oliver is going to manage to get him to work with the group to fight Chase and Talia.  The good thing about him is that he has a completely different fighting style than anyone else.  All of the other major actors in this brewing fight have undergone training by the League or someone affiliated with the League, so having him along could be useful to Oliver.

Then, of course, there is Oliver himself.  He has received training primarily from the League or someone close to it, but he also learned from Deathstroke.  Also, he is the man who killed R'as Al Ghul which makes him uniquely dangerous.  He has reached the point where he is willing to work with anyone who he thinks will help him out, which is always a dangerous place for Oliver to go.  If either Felicity or Diggle had been around, I don't think Oliver would have done what he did.  Then again, if Chase hadn't kidnapped them, there would have been no reason to accept Malcolm's help or go to get Deathstroke.

I am very interested to see how this is all going to play out next week.  I am sure there will be some sort of mind games involved, but I suspect that we have passed most of that and are headed more in the direction of a straight out fight.  The big question is who will fight who.  I suspect that Oliver will task Malcolm and Deathstroke with taking on the minions and freeing the gang while he and Nyssa take on Talia and Chase.  That would make the most sense because that would put the person Oliver can trust the most by his side against two incredibly dangerous enemies.  The downside is that it would means that he would have to have the two people he trusts the least save his friends and his sister, but I think that would be a risk worth taking otherwise he could end up fighting three people on his own.

One worry I do have is whether or not Chase or Talia has managed to get Deathstroke to their side.  If so, this fight will go poorly because having the three of them team up will be very, very bad for Oliver.  But, we'll have to wait and see.

Until next week!

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