Thursday, November 16, 2017

No More Reviews...for now

For the past several weeks, I have found that writing reviews has become more of a chore than something I enjoy.  Between that and other demands on my time, I have decided to stop writing reviews of any shows for now.  I may decide to start again later, but that will depend.  Until then, enjoy the shows and I hope to see you again.

Friday, November 10, 2017

My Review of Arrow 6.05- Deathstroke Returns

Oliver helps Slade go after his son, the team protects an anti-vigilante councilwoman, and we find out the identity of the Vigilante....

So Vigilante is Dinah's former partner.  Apparently, when the dark matter wave hit them, he was transformed and gained the ability to heal himself.  I can only assume that is part of the reason that he is so keen to take people out.  After all, he was transformed into a meta thanks to what was done to him.  The gang knows who he is, but what they don't know is that Dinah let him go after he dropped in to kill the councilwoman.

Watching Slade go after the Jackals was quite neat.  It was sort of fun to see Deathstroke go after people who aren't in Oliver's circle.  I had forgotten how incredibly deadly he can be when his ire is raised.  He ripped through people there like it was nothing. The fact that the leader of the Jackals is his son was a teeny bit of a shock.  I sort of expected it, but it was still a little surprising.  I have to wonder if his son saw him kill that man and if that is part of the reason that he is doing what he is doing.  How much does he know of his dad's past?  Does he know what Slade did in Star City? 

This FBI agent sure is determined to do everything she can to prove that Oliver and those around him are the Green Arrow and the vigilantes working with him.  She is so determined to find out who they are that she refuses to accept any sort of coincidences.  I get that she is right, but she doesn't really have any proof, so I am wondering if there is some personal reason for what she is doing.  Hope we figure it out before something else happens.

Next week, Slade's son asks him to kill Oliver.  Until then!

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

My Review of The Flash 4.05- Girls Night Out

While everyone celebrates the engagement of Iris and Barry, secrets start spilling...

Before I get to the serious stuff, can I just say how much I love Grant's comedic work?  He was so funny as drunk Barry in this episode.  I was wondering how they were going to get him drunk, given that they established early on that his body burned off the alcohol very quickly, so having Cisco create that formula to help him get drunk was perfect.  Between his repeated announcements that he was the Flash and his weepy musings about why Rose didn't let Jack on the door, Barry's night was quite funny.

But tonight was mostly about the girls and the discovery that Caitlin can still become Killer Frost.  The reveal in the restaurant was pretty cool and I loved Barry's and Cisco's reactions to seeing Killer Frost when they got back to STAR Labs.  I can't say that I blame Caitlin for being skittish about Killer Frost still being around.  After everything Killer Frost has done to the gang, it is not hard to imagine them not being happy that she is back.  And, Iris, you've never been particularly buddy buddy with Caitlin, so don't even go there.

As for Amunet, having Katee Sackoff play her was just awesome.  Veering from somewhat jovial to downright nasty and sinister, this was a great villain.  I so hope she is not a one-shot villain, because she was just too awesome to not have back.  I found her power very interesting.  Being able to control metal fragments that way was pretty cool.  I do wish that we had a better idea whether it was just metal fragments or if it was any size piece of metal.  I am assuming metal fragments because that is all they showed her controlling, but you never know.

It was nice to see Joe and Cecile have the talk about how nervous they were about the child.  If they weren't nervous, I would suspect that something is wrong.  Having a baby is never easy and having one this many years after you other child has to be that much harder.

I thought that Joe handled his discovery about what Cecile's daughter was doing perfectly.  He didn't yell, scream, or anything.  He listened, expressed his concerns, and said what he thought she should do.  That was just awesome.

Hopefully we'll soon learn why DeVoe arranged for the new metas to be made.  I have to wonder if he knew what powers they would have or not.  And if he did, how would he know?

Until next week!

Thursday, November 2, 2017

My Review of Arrow 6.04- Reversal

The Black Siren returns with someone we had previously heard of but not seen, the secret of who rescued the Black Siren from Lian Yu is revealed, and Felicity is given a suggestion on what her and Curtis' start-up should do...

First off, can I just say that it was incredibly cute that Oliver and Felicity traded places so that he was the one in her ear encouraging her to keep going?  Totally adorable!  I also thought it was amusing when Oliver instinctively took over the team for a second when they got back to lair.  I think the team did too, given the looks on their faces.  This time off seems to be doing him a world of good, although I hope it doesn't last too terribly long.

Having Michael Emerson play Cayden James is totally cool.  He is good at playing that sort of character and he can radiate menace, albeit not so much a physical menace as a more psychological form.  And his character is seriously playing a long game, manipulating people into doing exactly what he wants in order to accomplish his goals.  Forcing Felicity to take down the firewalls so that he could insert the malicious code he wrote was a really smart idea.  Anyone want to bet she'll be arrested around mid-season finale time?

I do wonder how he knew that the Black Siren was on Lian Yu.  I guess he could have been tracking everything going on, seeing how Helix had been helping Oliver and the gang.  So maybe he knew what he wanted to do and rescued her so that he could have her to help him out when he needed it. 

I loved the Olicity scenes.  Having her get the calls which were interrupting their dates was really funny and another way to have the tables turned on him.  I did sort of want to smack him for following her and messing up what she was looking for.  I get why he did it, but it was not exactly the smartest move in the world.

I hope the start-up works and they can help lots of people with the spinal tech or other similar tech, because that would be totally cool.  I'm not so sure that naming the company Helix is a great idea, but it does make a certain amount of sense.

Until next week!