Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Hopes for the Third (and Final!) Season of Love, Victor

So today (February 8, 2022), Hulu announced that Love, Victor’s third season, coming out on June 15th, will also be the last season for the show. I’m definitely sad about that, but also hoping that the writers will be able to wrap everything up in a nice way. Not sure why they're stopping here, since this will just be the rest of their junior year, so going for another season or two to finish high school would make more sense, but they are. And there are only 8 episodes instead of 10, which also concerns me a bit. Just really hope that they can wrap things up nicely. 

So, I wanted to write up some ideas about what I would like to see for the final season. These are going to be paired as couples for the most part because that is an easy way to look at them given the genre. I will discuss individuals in each as well as the pairings.
[1] Victor- I would love for Victor to not pick between Benji and Rahim. I really want him to pick both of them. Romance is (with almost no exceptions) depicted as being a binary choice between person A or person B. Why not date both of them? Polyamory is a very real thing and it is has almost no representation on TV, so having a good polyamorous person would be cool. Both Benji and Rahim are good for him in different ways and he loves them both, so why can’t he date both of them. Not sure if this would technically be a triad (do you all have to be dating each other for a triad?) or not, but it would be cool to see. If Victor does pick Benji, the two of them have some serious work to do given how quickly things fell apart last season. As for Benji and Rahim, I just hope that they are happy.
[2] Mia and Andrew- Gotta go with these two together since they left to look for Mia’s mom in the finale. I really do hope they stay together because they are absolutely adorable together. I also hope Mia finds some peace. She is the person who has a lot of personal drama because of other people and she deserves a break. I also really hope she and her dad make up. He has some serious groveling to do because of the way he outright lied to her. He told her that he would do what she asked and then broke that as soon as he could. He needs to seriously repair their relationship if he wants things to work out.
[3] Felix and Pilar- This was a couple that I didn’t really see coming. I can’t say I am super fond of the two of them together, but I am willing to be open minded. Other than that, I can’t say I honestly have a lot of particular wishes for either. Other than romantic relationships or Felix and his mom, they have mostly been in a place of supporting Victor. Now that Felix’s mom is in a better place, I really hope the two of them can relax and enjoy themselves.
[4] Lake and Lucy- This is the one that promises to be the most interesting. I am really curious to see where this goes. Other than a few compliments, Lake has never really expressed any interest in women, but when Lucy was blatantly flirting with her, you could tell she was intrigued. I am looking forward to seeing the two of them figuring things out. It promises to be a fun and interesting time. I also look forward to seeing Lake and Felix get to a place where they can be friends. I also really want Lake to stand up to her mom and tell her how toxic she can be.
{5] Armando and Isabel- So it appears that they are back together, which will be nice. And now that Isabel has finally come around to accepting Victor, I am looking forward to seeing him bring his boyfriend(s) to the house.
[6] Adrian- Not a whole lot to say here. He has not been in it much at all, so I can’t say I have any hopes for him at all. It might be nice to see more of him, but not essential.
I would also love to see the series explore a more accepting version of religion that exists. I appreciate that they showed the reality that there are a lot of religious people who don’t accept queer people, but it would be nice to see an accepting, affirming church, not just one that is “less awful”.
Until June 15th!

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