Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Thoughts About the Heartstopper Episodes

So the premiere of Heartstopper is in two days and they released the episode list. As I was reading the episode titles, I was thinking about where they might fit in the books. Based on the titles, I think that the season will cover the first two volumes of the Heartstopper books. The episode titles are:

[1] Meet
[2] Crush
[3] Kiss
[4] Secret
[5] Friend
[6] Girls
[7] Bully
[8] Boyfriend

So the first three titles match the titles of the sections of Volumes 1 and 2, but the rest don't match section titles, so we know that the titles won't exactly match the sections in the books. It's possible the first and second sections will line up with the sections in the books, but I doubt it because the first two sections are the entire first volume of the books. So below, I am going to take a guess as to what each episode will be about. After Friday, we'll have to see how close my guesses are. On Saturday, I plan to write a review of the season.

[1] Meet- They meet and Charlie joins the rugby team
[2] Crush- Nick realizes he has a crush on Charlie and is trying to figure out what to do
[3] Kiss- The party, Nick and Charlie kiss, the misunderstanding
[4] Secret- Nick and Charlie sort their stuff our, Nick works on how to come out
[5] Friend- Nick continues to work on how to come out, to the world they are friends, the bowling party
[6] Girls- The concert, Nick comes out to Tara and Darcy
[7] Bully- Dealing with his dickish friends at the theater
[8] Boyfriend- Nick and Charlie go to the beach, Nick comes out to his mom

Really curious about how close my guesses will be. For the record, I haven't seen any spoilers other than the trailers and the episode names.

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