Thursday, October 24, 2013

My Review of Arrow 2.03- Broken Dolls

Oliver gets some help from one not entirely unexpected source and one surprising source, Laurel admits the truth, Roy gets his first job, and two names get dropped....

Oliver managed to get away from the police surrounding him thanks to some intervention from the Black Canary and her nifty sonic device.  That was pretty cool.  Honestly, I thought he might use an arrow with a rope to escape, but this was more fun.  It also got Oliver to give Roy his first assignment: find the Black Canary.  Roy managed to do so, but not entirely on his own or in the way he expected.  After bribing someone to get some info, he finds the Black Canary's contact and gets himself knocked out after a pretty cool chase.  She looked like she was going to kill him until Thea texted.  I think that, given the ending, she thought that Roy worked for R'as al Ghul and spared him when she realized that he did not.  And yes, that was the second name dropped.  We'll get to the first in a sec.

Seeing Officer Lance and Laurel trading places in regards to the Arrow (first name drop!) this year has been interesting.  He has had his eyes opened and realized that justice is not limited strictly to the law.  For those who are too powerful for the law to affect directly, sometimes justice must take a different form.  Is it ideal?  No, not by any stretch of the imagination, but it can be necessary.  Also, since Oliver is determined to not kill now, he is not as far away as he once was.  Not that Lance approves of everything the Arrow does (see his reaction to the Arrow shooting the lawyer!), but he seems to accept them as a necessary evil.

Laurel, on the other hand, is feeling so freaking guilty about what happened to Tommy (see my review from last week).  As she said tonight, she feels responsible for what happened to Tommy and to cope with the feelings of guilt, she set her sights on taking the Arrow down.  Now that he has saved her life (again!), she'll hopefully lay off a little bit.  Is he the perfect hero that people need?  No, but he is definitely what is needed right now.

It was nice to see Thea and Moira getting along.  When Thea brought the clothing, it was amusing.  Understandable, but still amusing.  I do get why the DA is going for the death penalty, but he is neglecting to consider that Moira did warn the city about what was going to happen and did save some lives.  Also, there is no way this trial would take place anywhere near Starling City.  Any lawyer worth their salt would get the venue changed due to the intense feelings that are present in Starling City.  There is no way that a jury from the area would be anything even approaching unbiased.

I found it very interesting that the messenger sent by R'as al Ghul was wearing the same outfit that Malcolm Merlyn wore.  Does that mean that Malcolm Merlyn was a member of whatever organization R'as al Ghul is the head of?  That would definitely explain his fighting skill and his singular focus on avenging wrongs and "justice".

On the island, we got to see the possible transformation of Slade Wilson into Deathstroke.  If you remember from last week, Shado, Oliver, and Slade found the bodies of some Japanese soldiers in a place which some people were looking for.  This week, the people used a ship to attack the area where the plane was (with Shado inside).  Oliver went back for Shado and Slade followed.  During the bombardment, Oliver was knocked down and in the background, you could see Slade and it looked like he was on fire.  In addition, Oliver has been captured.  He had mentioned that he spent some time off the island and we know that he has ties to the Russian mob, so I wonder if this is where those come into play.

In a bit, The Tomorrow People.

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