Friday, October 25, 2013

My Review of Vampire Diaries 5.04- For Whom the Bell Tolls

Stefan learns about his past, more than one truth comes to light, someone returns, and a major WTF moment ends the show....

Stefan spent most of the hour learning about the man he was from Elena, Caroline, and Damon.  And he was not terribly impressed.  There is obviously  still some sparkage with Elena and it looked like there might be some with Caroline, but that is all pretty much over.  Elena told Stefan about her and Damon which caused Stefan to decide that there was really no point in being the good guy.  Not only did he attack Jesse, but he has chosen to leave the Salvatore house.  I am not sure where he is planning on staying, but it does seem like Elena and Damon have lost whatever influence they may have on him.  So not a good thing.

Listening to the running commentary when Elena and Damon were filling him in on his past life was quite funny, particularly when Damon went through the list of people they had killed (or not) in the crypt.  When Stefan said that Damon was the boring one and he was the fun one, I practically fell over laughing.  Paul is definitely having fun playing a different side of Stefan.  This isn't the Ripper or St. Stefan.  Rather it is just plain Stefan with no baggage.  I must admit that I do like him.

Jeremy finally confessed to everyone that Bonnie is dead.  His reasons for keeping it quiet were laudable, however once everyone starting putting things on hold because they were waiting for Bonnie's return, he had to tell the truth.  I loved Damon's reaction when he figured out what Jeremy was hinting at.  He didn't want Jeremy to say it because of how it would affect Elena, but after Jeremy did, he went in fairly quickly to give Jeremy a reassuring hug.  Damon really is growing as a person and that is awesome to see.  Not too long ago, he wouldn't have done that.  Honestly, I thought (for a split second) that he was going to hit Jeremy or snap  his neck or something like that.  Instead Damon acted as a pillar of support for Elena and Jeremy.

Unlike the rest of the gang, Jeremy has had a while to come to grips with Bonnie's death.  Besides, she's not really dead to him because he can still talk with her if needed.  I loved the scene where he was doing push-ups and Bonnie appeared.  Of course, the being shirtless was (as always) wonderful to see, but Bonnie's line about her (and others') enjoying his working out was completely hilarious.  And I can tell her that there are many of us watching who enjoy it as well.  :-)

The reactions to Bonnie's death were about what would be expected.  Elena had a minor meltdown, Caroline is trying to hold it together and not talk about it, and Matt is heartbroken.  Having Bonnie speak to the gang through Jeremy was a really nice touch and it was something that the gang really needed.  While she may not be able to help out magically, she may still have knowledge that can be helpful.  The one good thing about her death is that Tyler came back for Caroline (at last!).  While he is not my favorite character, he can be a good support for Caroline when he is around.

When Stefan and Caroline were talking, was I the only one to sense some possible sparkage?  Nothing really serious, but there was definitely something there.  I don't know if he is actually attracted to her or what was going on, but there was something.  I am not sure if it is a good thing or not.  Because of my dislike for Tyler, I am not unfond of the possible pairing, but I am not overly fond of it either.  But if it happens, it happens.

Watching alternaMatt deliver that video message to Matt was a little freaky.  What is so important about that particular knife that alternaMatt would threaten to cut Matt's throat (thus killing them both) if Matt didn't deliver it to the friends who are coming?  And what exactly is alternaMatt doing when he takes over Matt's body?  A little freaked out, but glad they're finally giving Zach a decent storyline.

I have to admit that I was shocked when the doctor killed Jesse.  I assumed that the doctor was fighting vampires or acting like the Council and covering up their existence.  But instead, he appears to be creating vampires.  This cannot be a good thing at all.

Until next week!

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