Thursday, October 31, 2013

My Review of The Tomorrow People 1.04- Kill or Be Killed

We get some back story on John and Jedekiah, Stephen has an unwelcome dinner guest, and a figure from John's past returns with vengeance in his heart...

Last week we learned about Cara and tonight we learned about John.  Turns out that John was a foster child in an abusive home where the foster dad used the money to buy booze, so John was forced to steal to make sure that he and his foster siblings remained fed.  That is, he did so until he was "rescued" by Jedekiah.  I have to admit that I hesitated before using the quotes around rescued because in a very real way, Jedekiah did rescue John.  He took John from an abusive situation into a more controlled situation.  Alas, it was akin to going from the frying pan into the fire.  The saddest part is that John genuinely loved Jedekiah until Jedekiah did something that destroyed that trust.  More on that in a bit.

Around the same time that Jedekiah rescued John, he also acquired a young man named Killian McCrane.  He then proceeded to use Killian (and other agents) in an experiment to see if he could get around the fact that the Tomorrow People cannot kill.  Listening to Jedekiah's reasoning was bizarre.  He said that this inability to kill was their one flaw and that by eliminating it, he was perfecting them.  He also said that by creating the best soldier, he could then keep that soldier in his pocket and make sure he was used appropriately.  It does make a certain amount of sense, but it is also seriously twisted.  The inability to kill is only a flaw because Jedekiah sees the existence of the Tomorrow People as warfare.  I think that John was right when he said that it was a good step.

Learning that John was experimented on and modified so that he could kill was a complete surprise.  I was so not expecting that he would have been modified that way.  It does make a certain amount of sense.  After all, Killian is out there with the ability to kill and a serious grudge against Ultra, so creating a new version of him who could fight him was necessary.  This was the incident that pushed John completely away from Ultra.  I find it interesting that being altered seemed to have made Killian a psychopath whereas it hasn't done that to John.  I would guess that it is a temperamental difference, but it could also be that the process was modified to prevent that sort of transformation.  If Killian really absorbed Jedekiah's ideas, then it would make sense that he sees humans as lower life forms who need to be wiped out in order for the Tomorrow People to flourish.

I am glad that Stephen has finally made some headway where John is concerned.  As I've said before, I get why John is so concerned about fighting Ultra openly, but there are times when it must be done.  Killian was a danger to everyone and he needed to be dealt with appropriately.  I can't say I was surprised that Jedekiah betrayed John even if I was disappointed in him.  I get that he sees John as a threat, but he is also driving Stephen further and further away from Ultra.  Stephen cares about normal humans and the Tomorrow People and will protect both.  He also has an honorable streak that is extremely uncomfortable with what Jedekiah does.  I suspect that what Jedekiah is doing is in part a test of Stephen and in part his SOP.

Watching that family dinner was sort of amusing.  Stephen's mom does not like Jedekiah, but she is smart enough to realize that Stephen needs him (at least temporarily)  and she isn't going to stand in their way.  Smart woman.  She also hinted at more secrets to come.  I almost wonder if she is (or was) a Tomorrow Person herself or at least aware of their existence.  That would be interesting.

Until next week!

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