Wednesday, August 16, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.06- Welcome to the Jungler

First, I apologize that this is a day late, but I wasn't able to watch the episode last night.  The same thing will probably happen next week, so please bear with me.

Jesus makes a surprising decision, Callie comes to a realization, Mariana gets some help from an unexpected corner, Jude runs into something he wasn't expecting, and Stef tries to help someone.

If anyone needs further proof that Jesus needs help, this episode should give them that proof.  The turn arounds and changes he makes were enough to give me whiplash.  First, he wants to drop out of school and then he makes a sudden decision to ask Emma to marry him so they can be together forever.  Then, after she turns him down because he is planning on dropping out, he decides to stay in school.  While it is possible that he might have done something like this had he not suffered the TBI, I sort of doubt it.  His erratic behavior and sudden swings are worse than they were before he was injured.  Until he can pull himself together, I don't think that Emma should marry him.  I am not really in favor of high school kids marrying anyway but in this case, I am doubly sure.

Callie needs to be uber-careful with this protest.  While other people may be placing a lont on the line, I am not sure that Callie can afford to.  Given her record and everything, participating in a protest where the goal is to get arrested is not smart of her.  As for her and Aaron, I think it was nice to see the two of them try and come to a place of agreement even though they were both not saying things in the best possible way.  The fact that everyone is just seeing Aaron as a guy is a good thing for him, but Callie is right that his being able to be seen strictly as a white guy does give him a certain amount of privilege.  Does that mean that he should disclose that he is trans to everyone?  Of course not!  He was right when he was talking about the fact that by blocking a right-wing speaker, it might make it easier for a progressive speaker to be blocked the same way later.  The whole thing is very messy and there are very valid arguments on both sides of the issue, so it is a line that needs to be walked carefully and thoughtfully.

I was glad that Callie told her friend that Mariana had forged the signature because it gave her friend the opportunity to talk with Lena about how important roller derby is to Mariana and how it can help her.  And, like I said last week, I thought Callie had very good points about Mariana.  Mariana loves revealing other people's secrets, but hates being called out on her own.  It is not a very attractive quality.  I do hope that she gets to stay on the roller derby team because that could be really good for her.

I'm just not sure what to make of Jude anymore.  For the last couple of seasons, he is barely in episodes and when he is, he doesn't really have much of a storyline.  It was nice to see him and Taylor do that live broadcast, but if they want us to really invest in his new relationship, Jude needs to be in a whole lot more.

As for Brandon, he is in a very weird position.  His current girlfriend is very jealous of his ex, but she keeps doing things that push Brandon and Cortney together.  It is very weird.  I know she has her whole "do one thing a day that terrifies me" thing, but this is just a bad way to go about that.  The only thing I can think of is that she is trying to sabotage her relationship with Brandon or something, because otherwise it makes no sense.

I really hope that Stef can help Kyle, but it looks like it might not happen.  If she is just going to put him in danger, then I really hope that she backs off a bit.

Until next week!

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