Thursday, August 24, 2017

My Review of Teen Wolf 6.14- Face-to-Faceless and 6.15- Pressure Test

Sorry this took a while but I wasn't able to sit down and watch until tonight.  There is no Teen Wolf on Sunday, so my next Teen Wolf  review will be on September 3rd.

We finally got a name for the creature that escaped from the Wild Hunt: Anuk Ite.  It is a two-faced creature of dissension and discord that leaves chaos and destruction in it wake as people tear themselves and each other apart out of fear.  Not that there aren't some legitimate issues going on though.

Turns out Ms. Monroe was on a bus that Mason attacked when he was the Beast of Gevaudan.  because Scott didn't rescue her; since, you know, he was busy trying to save everyone else and what not; he obviously doesn't care about people and therefore all supernatural creatures should be wiped out.  She also said that she is mad that so many people died while he tried to deal with the various creatures that attacked Beacon Hills.  While I have to acknowledge that she may have a reason to be upset, what she is totally missing is that although Scott hates when individuals die, he had to save as many people as he could and that means not always being able to check for survivors when there may be none.  It's harsh, but absolutely true.  All that said, I have to wonder how much of her hatred is her own, how much has been fanned by Gerard, and how much is a result of the Anuk Ite.

Let's face it, Scott and his pack have lost more than their fair share of battles.  But when you consider that the entire show has taken place over 3 years, he's come a remarkable distance.  His enemies have had a lot longer to plan their strategies than he has had, so there were inevitably going to be some losses.  Not that it sucks any less, but there it is.  Also, Scott mourns every death that has happened whether or not they are from his pack.  He is the Guardian of Beacon Hills and he takes that responsibility very seriously.

I was impressed that Laim managed to control himself as well as he did under that assault.  I so want to hit that teacher who just stood by and let it happen.  Between that and her impotent threat to fail the whole class for the day, she wins the award for worst teacher.  Thank goodness Coach showed up, because someone needed to step in at that point.  While I would love to think that Mason was wrong about Liam's reasons for letting it happen, I suspect that he is right.  Liam is punishing himself because of what happened last week.

I am really glad that Scott and the pack decided to stay.  Not surprised, but still glad.  I am just wondering how much longer they are going to be able to stay hidden.  Gerard and Monroe have turned the whole town against them, so they need to be really careful.  They need to figure out who the two parts of the Anuk Ite are and fast.  Otherwise the town will tear itself apart.

Until the third!

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