Tuesday, October 4, 2011

My Review of Ringer 1.04- It's Gonna Kill Me, But I'll Do It

A birthday with secrets revealed, Bridget faces the consequences of what Siobhan did, and Siobhan puts her plan back on track....

Well, well, well, Bridget's lies are starting to catch up with her (as are Siobhan's).  She has a wonderful birthday weekend planned for her by Andrew, who invites Henry and Gemma along.  Unbeknownst to Bridget, Agent Machado also invites himself along and reveals her existence to Gemma.  Talk about an awkward conversation.  Having to talk about yourself in the third person and explaining why your existence was never revealed.  At least she could that flawlessly.  Unfortunately for Bridget, Henry has a conversation with her which is overheard by Gemma who finds out about the affair.  One confrontation later and Bridget reveals who she is in an effort to get out of trouble.  Ow.....  But, methinks that this conversation may not actually be believed.

And as for Siobhan, well, she is doing her best to live it up and to get Tyler back as a part of her plan which appears to be to get money from Andrews company, presumably through illegal means.  I wonder how much of what she said was true and how much was a lie.  Based on what we have seen, most of it was true, but you can never be sure.  I want to know what exactly Andrew did to make Siobhan hate him so much.  This whole thing could not have been planned because Bridget coming to see her was unexpected.  Unless Siobhan had a plan and then modified it because Bridget was there.  Who knows?

What will Gemma do?  Given the preview, I don't think she believes Bridget, but it was ambiguous enough that she may have.  I wonder if she'll believe Bridget but lash out at her anyways since Siobhan is not around.  That would suck.

Given that Malcolm wasn't present this week, I wonder how he is doing after the forced drug injection last week.  My guess, not good, but you never know.


[1] Who was Siobhan talking to on the phone and what exactly is her plan?
[2] Why does she hate Andrew so much?
[3] What exactly was the unforgivable thing that Bridget did to Siobhan that got Siobhan to turn her back on her?

Until next week!

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