Saturday, October 22, 2011

My Review of The Vampire Diaries 3.06- Smells Like Teen Spirit

Stefan and Tyler are having *TOO* much fun, things with Vicki come to a head, and how Bonnie deals with the situation has interesting ramifications....

Ok, was anyone besides me *TOTALLY* blindsided by the return of our favorite werewolf uncle, Mason Lockwood?  I am assuming that it is his spirit back from the other side in much the same way that Anna's is.  Presumably what happened is that when Bonnie sent Vicki back, it somehow freed Anna to be on this side and did the same thing to Mason for some reason.  Either that, or somehow Klaus resurrected Mason and turned him into a hybrid.  I do not think it was the second, but I could be wrong.

What was up with Tyler "whipped-by-Klaus" Lockwood?  Geez, he was annoying.  Overly perky, prone to overreacting to situations...oh wait, he's part vampire now and totally sire-whipped.  Guess being sired by an Original will do that to you.  The question is what effect (if any) his obvious love for Caroline will have on the situation.  Given that Stefan nearly resisted Klaus' compulsion last week based on his love for Elena, will Tyler be able to pull something similar?  Of course, with Rebecca around, the point may very well be moot or close to it anyway.

Watching Elena go all tough girl was interesting.  Given everything that has happened to her, I think she that this will help her to hold it all together.  Of course, having Stefan the Stalker around isn't really going to help matters much.  I was amused by her talent to pretend to be drunk.  Figured it was part of the plan, but was still totally amused by it.  I am surprised that Stefan fell for it, although maybe he thought it was her way of pining over him.  Ok, it sort of was, but not entirely.  She really wants her Stefan back.  Stabbing Stefan in the gut with the spikes was almost the highlight of the entire episode because he *SO* deserved it.

While we are on the subject of Stefan and Elena, I am going to go out on a bit of a limb and guess that the first witch (who cursed Klaus) is the one who made a deal with Vicki to let her stay over here if she killed Elena.  Neat trick, I must say.  I do want to say that I have some very deep suspicions about  Mason and Anna.  I wonder if Vicki was supposed to come over and tell Matt about wanting to kill Elena so that Matt would go to Bonnie who would do her mojo and banish Vicki back to the other side while simultaneously releasing Anna and/or Mason.  That would truly be a little twisted.

I want to see a Caroline/Rebecca throwdown.  Ok, part of me wants to see it.  I think it would be an awesome cat fight, but I am afraid that Rebecca would have a severe edge over Caroline and kill her, and so not fond of that idea.  Oh well.

I am impressed with Damon.  He is actually being somewhat responsible and helping Elena out without the normal attitude.  That is appreciated.  And Catherine, while being helpful and bringing Michael back has gotten herself drunk (by him).  I do hope she's ok, because while she is an obnoxious bitch, she is alot of fun and I would seriously miss her.

Until next week.....

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