Thursday, October 6, 2011

My Review of The Secret Circle 1.04- Heather

Cassie and Faye cast a spell with unintended consequences.....

Actually the summary above is a summary of most of the episode.  Unlike alot of episodes of shows which have multiple plots happening simultaneously, this one just had the main one with its consequences.

I am glad to see Cassie researching magic, even if it was only for personal reasons.  She is determined to figure out what her mom did to Heather Barnes 16 years ago.  It turns out that Heather was possessed by a demon and the spell which rendered Heather catatonic was a spell to bind the demon into Heather and keep it from doing any harm.  Unfortunately, Cassie (not knowing what exactly the spell did) decides to undo the spell.  Diana refuses to help and Adam follows along, but Faye finds out about it and decides to help Cassie herself.  The spell works, albeit in a delayed fashion.  Unfortunately for Cassie and Faye, Heather comes looking for Amelia and ends up attacking them only to end up dead after being hit by a truck.  The demon escapes and enters Melissa.

Talk about unintended consequences.  Try to do good and it comes back to bite ya on the ass.  So not a good thing.  Well Cassie, live and learn.  I am sure Diana will not always be right, but for now, her caution is more than warranted.  And why does Diana keep shoving Adam and Cassie together?  We know she is aware of their connection, but still she persists.  That is asking for trouble.

It was also nice to see Nick be seriously human this week.  He treats Melissa right and admits that he is not be the right guy for her.  Love him for that.  It is going to suck when he is forced to confront those feelings with the demon in Melissa and all.  And Melissa sweetie, don't listen to Faye.  Follow your own heart dear.

Until next week!

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