Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Review of Ringer 1.05- A Whole New Kind of Bitch

In the wake of Bridget's revelation, Gemma takes some odd steps.  Bridget continues to try and pick up the pieces of the mess Siobhan has left her with and Juliet returns with a vengeance.

Well, well, well.  Gemma knows for sure about Bridget now.  Due to some video footage that shows that Bridget doesn't have a scar that Siobhan does, Gemma now knows for sure.  And boy, does she fulfill that old trope that hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.  I mean, I get that she is upset about Siobhan and Henry and upset about Bridget pretending to be Siobhan, but wow, to try and blackmail Bridget into sleeping with Henry or else she'll reveal who Bridget really is?  That is seriously low.  But the question is, what exactly happened to her?  But more on that at the end.

Bridget walked a seriously fine line and managed to stay on the right path.  You could tell that she really wanted to take those pills, but thank goodness she didn't.  Let's talk about her crappy couple of days.  First, the closest thing she has to a friend goes missing and won't return her phone call.  Then Gemma finds out about Siobhan and Henry and goes ballistic.  Then there is Juliet painting "WHORE" on the picture of Siobhan and lighting her clothes on fire.  Yeah, I say that would count as a crappy couple of days.  I was so happy to see her maintain some sort of equilibrium and stay focused on helping other people.  That will be what keeps her sober.

Andrew cheated on his previous wife with Siobhan.  No wonder Juliet hates them both.  Fortunately, Bridget used the steps from NA in order to help Juliet out.  That was nice to see.  Then there was that weird phone call from Gemma and her disappearance.  I really don't think Henry had anything to do with it.  In fact, I suspect one of two things.  Either Siobhan or her confederate reached out and did something or Gemma staged the whole thing knowing that Henry would say nothing.  I just wonder which it was or if it was something else entirely.

Question of the week: What happened to Gemma?

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