Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Review of Arrow 2.05- League of Assassins

We get backstory on Sarah, trouble for the Lances, bad news for Moira, and an incredibly brassed off Oliver....

So, after the Queen's Gambit sank, Sarah was rescued by the people on the freighter and at some point turned into the person she is today.  Hopefully they'll explore exactly what happened because I am really curious how she went from who she was to who she is now.  At some point, she joined the League of Assassins and later left after a bad experience on an assignment.  I wish they had gone into more detail tonight, but they didn't.

Oliver's shock when he saw the assassin dressed like Malcolm was truly something to behold.  It was like his worst nightmare came to life.  Malcolm Merlyn was the hardest enemy that Oliver had to face, so to see someone like him was a nasty shock.  What made it even worse is the fact that the person Oliver faced was the man who trained Malcolm.  I do want to know when exactly Malcolm found time to leave his company, get the training he needed, and join the League of Assassins.  Also, I am surprised that they didn't seem to give him any assignments.  Either he was more valuable to them doing what he was doing, or he never really joined and was merely trained by them.

Attacking Sarah was not the smartest move.  While the assassins were highly trained, Oliver is not only trained well, but also quite pissed off.  Doubt me?  Witness his conversation with Felicity.  He was a man who needed to find someone to attack.  I truly think that if he had not been handed the assassins, he would have gone out and picked a fight.  If that had happened, I pity the poor person at the other end of that beatdown.  Oliver did better against Malcolm's teacher than he ever did against Malcolm.  I suspect that his anger gave him an edge he didn't have before.  Also, he is now fighting for something rather than just flailing around blindly on a course of revenge.

I must say that I half thought that Oliver was going to reveal who he was to Moira.  His conversation with her was ambiguous enough that he may very well have meant that the time for his secrets was over.  I do get why he is keeping his secret, and think he is right to do so, but if telling Moira his secret would have persuaded her to give up hers, I think he would have done so.  Should she have accepted the plea?  Probably, yes.  She was right when she said that the city is out for blood and hers is the most likely to be spilled.  Accepting the plea would have helped there and she could have told Oliver and Thea her secrets later.  At this point, whether or not she is convicted is a serious tossup.

I was glad that Sarah revealed herself to Officer Lance.  He needed to know the truth, but now he has to hide it from Laurel and his ex-wife, which will seriously suck.  That being said, out of everyone who doesn't already know about her, I think he was in the best place to find out.  He has plumbed the depths of his grief and knowing that she is alive could be powerful incentive for him.  Watching Sarah break that assassin's neck couldn't have been easy for him though.  But at least he now knows who exactly she is, which is a good thing.  I was impressed with how quickly he put all of the pieces together to realize who she was.  That was truly impressive.

Until next week!

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