Wednesday, November 27, 2013

My Review of The Originals 1.08- The River in Reverse

We learn why to never piss off an Original vampire, Elijah feels the effects of Klaus’ bite, Rebekah makes a choice as does Marcel, and Klaus achieves a goal….

I know I have been talking about why one should never piss off an Original vampire, but I did not truly get it until we saw Klaus in action tonight.  His rampage through Marcel’s men was most impressive.  Ok, beyond impressive, it was freaking terrifying.  It is pretty rare to see an Original on a tear and that was exactly what was up with Klaus tonight.  He went to Marcel’s in order to take Marcel down and he succeeded in a spectacular manner.  Even though it looked, at first, like he would fail, he wolfed out and tore through Marcel’s people with an unmatched ferocity.  He had to have killed at least 20-30 vampires on his own before Marcel picked up that coin and surrendered.  Rebekah was truly terrified at Klaus’ ferocity.  I must admit that I was wondering if she was pretending to turn on Klaus, but it became fairly obvious that she was not pretending and that she was truly horrified at the violence Klaus was displaying and frightened for Marcel’s life.

In spite of all that, I have to side with Klaus in this particular argument with his siblings.  Although Elijah and Rebekah have ample reason to distrust Klaus and doubt his motives, he was honestly interested in bringing his family together to take the city and to raise his child.  Their choices and doubts merely served to reinforce his doubts about family and the trustworthiness of other people.  Had they chosen to give him the benefit of the doubt one more time, they (and he) would be in a much better place.  Given everything, I do get why they doubted him and why they made the choices that they did, but it is hard to blame Klaus for feeling betrayed and alone.  And a lonely, paranoid Klaus is not a good thing.

It was nice to get an explanation from Elijah about why he continues to give Klaus the benefit of the doubt despite his many betrayals.  Elijah believes that it is the goal of his life to help save Klaus from himself.  Wonderful sentiments and a worthy goal, but unless the Originals can break this destructive cycle of betrayal and deceit, this goal will never happen.  Which leaves Elijah in a bit of a quandary:  how long can a man of honor continue to help and support someone who is as violent and deceitful as Klaus is?  On the one hand, Elijah is trying to be there for Klaus and help moderate his impulses, but on the other hand there are times when Klaus goes too far and Elijah needs to take drastic steps to stop him.  There is also the matter of Klaus constantly daggering his siblings if they displease him, although that is moot now that Klaus has given the dagger to Elijah.  All in all, it is an incredibly messy situation that has no real satisfactory answer.

Then there is Hayley who is a major bone of contention between Klaus and Elijah.  She is bearing Klaus’ baby, but she and Elijah clearly have feelings for each other.  This is adding yet another log to the fire of Klaus’ paranoia.  He is honestly trying to be a good father for his son, but he is being doubted at every turn, hounded by witches, and his brother has the gall to fall for the mother of his child.  Yes, this makes an already messy situation even messier.  Klaus clearly looks at Hayley as his possession (mush as he viewed Elena as his) and Elijah’s feelings are threatening both his family and his hold over Hayley.

It was also nice to get some background on Hayley and her family.  As a result of a witch’s curse (at Marcel’s instigation), her family (or at least some of it) spends most of their time as wolves and turn into humans by the full moon.  So she really needs the protection offered by the Originals from Marcel.  If Marcel were to get his hands on her, he would have leverage against Klaus and he would have a werewolf from a clan he tried to wipe out.

We did get to see Klaus’ softer side where Camille was concerned.  He is using her as a (compelled) sympathetic ear and as someone to record his thoughts and feelings.  But she is seriously resisting him and he seems afraid that if she continues digging into what happened with her brother, she will be killed.  Methinks that he has honest feelings for her and wants to protect her if possible.   Unfortunately, she managed to slip herself a message about him and has proof that he and Marcel are not what they appear.  Oops….

I was also happy to see that Rebekah was having none of Tyler’s talk about killing the baby.  While she has no problem taking down Klaus, she definitely has a problem when it comes to harming the baby.  That is actually the crux of the problem between her, Elijah, and Klaus.  All of them want to protect the baby, but Rebekah and Elijah think that they must protect the baby from both Klaus and others.

So, we have next week and then the winter hiatus.  Until then!

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