Wednesday, November 13, 2013

My Review of The Originals 1.07- Bloodletting

Klaus and Elijah confront Marcel, Rebekah returns, someone from Mystic Falls pays a visit and wreaks havoc, and Davinna makes a new friend....

In case you missed it from the multiple stories this week, Tyler came from Mystic Falls and paid Klaus a visit.  Or rather, he kidnapped Hayley in order to get revenge on Klaus and stop what he thought was Klaus' nefarious scheme.  I say the last part because I honestly do not think that Klaus was planning to do what Tyler thought he was planning to do.  Basically, Tyler thought that Klaus was going to use the blood of the baby in order to create new hybrids.  I will grant that it is possible that Klaus was lying when he said that he was planning on doing this, but I doubt it.  The problem is that Tyler is so blinded by his (understandable) hatred of Klaus that he does not even stop to consider that Klaus may be telling the truth.  Also, what Tyler does is awful.  Not quite Klaus-level yet, but Tyler is definitely headed there.

Elijah not believing Klaus is also understandable.  Look at everything Klaus has done and explain why he should be believed.  I was glad that Elijah realized (too late) that Klaus was being honest.  The problem is that now Klaus basically considers himself to be alone and somewhat cornered.  That is a bad thing because Klaus is liable to lash out in unpredictable and violent ways right now.  Hopefully Rebekah can keep him somewhat even-keeled, but that is doubtful.  Klaus is paranoid and feeling abandoned, not to mention that he has a massive inferiority complex where Elijah is concerned.  All in all, this is not a good situation.

And Marcel is looking to make the situation even worse.  By plotting with Rebekah to take Klaus down, Marcel is going to play right int Klaus' paranoia.  With Elijah sick and being cared for by Hayley, Marcel and Rebekah (possibly) teaming up against him, and his pet vampire (Josh) freed from his compulsion, Klaus is going to be alone and incredibly dangerous.  Throw Tyler and his accusations into the mix and watch this recipe for a disaster explode at the slightest provocation.

The question is going to be where Davinna falls in this whole mess.  She likes Elijah and Klaus injured him, so I doubt she'll end up siding with Klaus.  She may side with Marcel since he has promised to help her with the other witches, but that is not a sure thing.  If Elijah gets better and comes to her, she may end up siding with him.  Her power will most definitively tip the scales of this particular war.

Watching her with Josh was just fun.  Well, other than the parts where she was scrubbing his brain free from Klaus' compulsions anyways.  It was nice to see her bond with someone in a normal adolescent way, particularly when they were talking about the weirdness that is their lives.  Hopefully they'll be able to continue this interesting bond in future episodes because it was very, very cool.

We'll be back in two weeks with a new episode, so until then, have fun!

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