Thursday, November 7, 2013

My Review of The Tomorrow People 1.05- All Tomorrow's Parties

Stephen and John actually agree on something and then have a disagreement, a party goes bad, and Stephen meets Jedekiah's boss/partner....

Well, Stephen is officially in a serious pickle.  He is completely disturbed by what Ultra did to the Tomorrow People, but he also seemed to be bothered by what John and Cara did.  Thank goodness he can talk with Astrid now.  The only problem is going to be making sure that she is safe from both sides.  I loved the look on her face when he teleported with her to that spot where they first met.  That was so cool.  Unless something changes pretty drastically, I don't see her letting him go any time in the near future.

While John and Cara's reaction to what Kurt did may have been somewhat understandable, it was also deeply disturbing.  They acted like he purposely betrayed them, when what actually happened was that he was caught and saved himself.  Did he do the right thing?  No, but it was understandable.  I was also disturbed by the fact that she was so willing to use that serum to strip Kurt of his powers when she and John have railed against Ultra using it.  I think the problem lies in the fact that Ultra views the Tomorrow People as dangerous and is trying to wipe them out and the Tomorrow People view humans as lower lifeforms wholly separate from them and are fighting desperately for survival.  That particular combination makes for bad events.

As I've said before, I think that Stephen has the right idea.  He is maintaining contact with humans to keep his humanity, while simultaneously working to stop Ultra and help the Tomorrow People.  I realize that it is not a viable alternative for all of the Tomorrow People, but it may be viable for some of them.  But then you get into the question of what happens if Ultra catches them.  Unfortunately, there are no good or satisfactory answers to the problem.  John and Cara are being very pragmatic and are (unfortunately) losing touch with their humanity.

I wonder how much information Jedekiah's partner/boss got out of Stephen's head.  If Stephen is as powerful at blocking as he is elsewhere, then not much could have been retrieved.  I do want to note that just because Kurt confessed to passing the information under duress, that does not mean that nothing was taken from Stephen's head.  Also, Stephen made a mistake when he took the geneticist to the hospital.  While it was a good thing, by leaving her there he left open the very real possibility that Ultra may be able to get their hands on her and then on the rest of the Tomorrow People.

When Cara realized just what had been done to John, the look on her face was interesting.  She is insisting that she is only disturbed because he wasn't honest with her, but I also think that the fact that he can kill is not pleasing to her.  I do wonder if that is part of the reason that she reacted to Kurt the way she did.  If she felt that she had something to prove to John, then her reaction is completely understandable.  Not good, but understandable.

Until next week!

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