Thursday, November 14, 2013

My Review of The Tomorrow People 1.06- Sorry for Your Loss

Russell loses his father, Stephen loses a partner, a breakout emerges, we learn a little something about Jedekiah, and Stephen and Cara get a little closer...

Russell is a damn fine piano player.  That was not something I would have expected to learn about him.  I have to admit that I was a little amused to see that he used his telekinetic abilities to play the piano, even if it was unconsciously.  It was nice that he and his dad had a minor rapprochement before he left in the form of his dad actually smiling at him before he left (assuming that was real and not Russell's imagination).  It was also nice to finally get some backstory on Russell since he is the only one of the major Tomorrow People who we have not learned a lot about yet.  Using his abilities to cheat at poker was not smart.  Understandable, but still not smart.

Stephen seriously needs to have some faith in himself.  He is a great leader if he does what he thinks is right and doesn't doubt himself.  No, he doesn't have the training that John has, but he does have something else: a life outside of the conflict.  Between that and his compassion, he can be a great leader.  He does have to realize that not everything is his fault.  What happened to Darcy was a result of her actions.  If she had not told Ultra where to find her sister or if she had chosen to simply teleport away with Stephen and her sister earlier, things would have been different.  Granted, the second choice could have gotten her in trouble, but at least she would have been alive.  As it is, her sister is with the rest of the Tomorrow People and Stephen is riddled with guilt.

I was glad to see that Cara is able to see the wisdom in Stephen's approach.  Giving up all connections to your human life may be pragmatic, but it cannot be easy to deal with.  Yes, yes, I do get that it is better for all involved because it helps to protect the people you care about, but it is still obviously hard to deal with.  Stephen is reminding the group what it is like to be human again and reminds them that there is more to living than simply surviving.  He saved Irene and protected her while she was in the hospital, he is helping to keep the group informed about what Ultra is doing, and he is the son of their saviour.

Then there is the kiss.  Ok, kisses.  The first one was completely understandable.  Cara and Stephen were caught between two groups of Ultra agents, so Stephen decided to protect them and do something he has obviously wanted to do for some time by making out with her.  Completely understandable.  Not the best move, but understandable.  The second kiss was definitely less so.  The two of them definitely like each other, so there is no surprise there, but given that it happened while John was away?  Not good.  When he finds out about this, all hell is going to break loose.  He is not terribly fond of Stephen as it is, and this is just going to make matters worse.  Any guesses about where they were headed when they teleported out?

Stephen definitely needs to be careful with Astrid.  Between spying on Ultra, working for Ultra, working for the Tomorrow People, and now protecting Astrid, he is going to be a busy boy.  I don't know how she'll take the protection thing, but she will definitely need it, particularly if Ultra finds out about her.

If Ultra finds out that Jedekiah is schtupping a Tomorrow Person, it will be bad.  I cannot imagine that they will take that sort of fraternization well.  I do want to know who exactly she is.  At first, I thought she might be his daughter or something.  Then she loosened his tie and they were kissing, so I am assuming that she is someone else entirely.

I do want to say one thing about the previews for next weeks episode.  The whole "abuse his new powers" thing is an episode I would have expected much earlier, say in the second or third episodes *BEFORE* he knew how dangerous Ultra was.  I am really curious how they wil have him justify using his abilities that way.

Until next week!

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