Saturday, September 2, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.08- Engaged

Brandon throws an engagement party for Mike and Ana, Jesus tries to reunite his birth parents, Lena has a talk with Emma, and Callie looks at her future...

I know that Jesus has a TBI (and I know I've been talking about this for weeks now), but Stef and Lena really need to put their feet down now.  I know that he is not fully in control, but he tried to blow up Ana and Mike's engagement so Gabe and Ana would get together and he won't accept anything from Emma except for being engaged.  He really, really needs someone to give him a firm reality check right about now, because he is going completely off the rails.  He is so fixated on romance that he is destroying all the relationships he has with people.  It was nice to see Brandon stand up to him and I am so glad that Lena has decided that she has had enough.

I am annoyed at her for the first conversation she had with Emma.  I know this is not what she meant, but from what came out of her mouth, it seemed like she was telling Emma that Jesus' recovery was the most important thing and that Emma was a vital part of that recovery.  I am glad that she realized how it came across to Emma and made sure that she knew that Jesus' recovery was not on her, it was on Jesus, Stef, and Lena.  And that led to the ugly blowup where Jesus told Emma that if she didn't want to be engaged right then and there, he didn't want to be with her.  Honestly, I hope she stays gone until he gets better.  I know that it might be really unfair of me and that people are going to scream about him having a TBI, but he was being emotionally abusive, so she was right to walk out.  He is in no place to be in a relationship right now, he just needs to get better.  Or as better as he will get.

As for what happened to the model at the school, I have two obvious/likely suspects.  First, Jesus could have destroyed it in a fit of rage.  Honestly,this is so obvious that I sort of doubt it, but it is a possibility.  The other possibility is that Drew did it himself.  If he wanted to discredit the opposition to the school going private and he saw that the Adams-Fosters were the last ones in the building, it is entirely possible that he, or someone working for Nick's dad, destroyed the model in order to blame it on the Adams-Fosters.  It could always be someone else, but I do have to wonder.

I'm not sure what to tell Callie about this week.  I think she would be wonderful in art or in social work.  Aaron was right when he said that changing the world is a part of who she is.  But I don't think he gets how important her art is to her.  Her art has allowed her to reveal truths that people wouldn't otherwise know, like her senior project showing her old foster homes in photos.  But she has also shown a remarkable desire to want to help others in the foster care system.  That being said, her interest have recently been expanding to include other social justice causes, so I honestly think art might be the better choice for her.  She just needs to make a decision and go for it.

As for the protest, I get why she wanted to go, but I am not entirely sure that it was the right decision.  I really am glad that she wants to stand up for people who can't stand for themselves, but she really, really needs to be careful.  She has so many strikes against her already because of the way the foster care system (unfairly) works, that she needs to be sure she doesn't accidentally ruin things for herself.  I just hope that she is smart.

I almost had to laugh at Noah's plan because you knew it was so going to blow up in Jude's face.  Don't tell someone that you are willing to turn down something that you really want unless you absolutely mean it.  This is not going to be pretty.

I wonder what was up with what Grace's mom said about her not being in a place to have a boyfriend or going to prom.  I really want an answer to that question.  I do have to admit that the prom-posal was really cute.  Corny, but cute.  Also seriously embarrassing for him.

Until next week!

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