Sunday, September 10, 2017

My Review of Teen Wolf 6.17- Werewolves of London

Several familiar faces return, we find out who was shot and who did the shooting last week, Lydia has some more banshee moments, and romance is in the air...

Ok, that has got to be one of the best openings in the history of the show.  I loved the juxtaposition of the classical music with the fighting, Ethan's palpable annoyance at Jackson's "forgetting" their anniversary, and the kiss at the end.  Just loved it all.  The only questions I have; and it is relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things; is whether Jackson is gay or bisexual.  It was definitely fun to see Jackson back again.  Yes, he is an ass, but he is still lots of fun to watch.  Also, how the heck did he and Ethan meet?  Maybe Danny introduced them?

It was interesting to watch Scott go to Deucalion and Peter for help.  I'm afraid that Deucalion is right, there is no way out of this for Scott without Gerard dying.  He is so obsessed with killing everything supernatural that he will keep coming back as long as he can in order to kill Scott.  I know Scott doesn't want to kill, but I think it is unavoidable in this particular case.  Surrounding him will killers is not a bad idea, but I would rather have someone like Scott take Gerard out because Scott would do it for the right reasons.  Peter, Theo, or Deucalion might do it, but it could be for all the wrong reasons.

Speaking of Deucalion, it was weird seeing him as a pacifist.  After all, last time we saw him (with the Dread Doctors), he had no compunction about killing, so what happened between then and now to make him so worried about his soul?  As for Peter, while he (like Theo) is completely untrustworthy, he can help Scott out.  He is very strong, crafty, and ruthless, all things that Scott will need in the fights ahead.

Not only was Melissa shot, but so were Lydia, Mason, and Scott's dad.  Fortunately, all of them made it through, which is fortunate for Nolan and Gabe, because Liam was on the warpath.  See, Gabe shot up the house in order to make Ms. Monroe spare Nolan's life because he gave Nolan the credit for the shooting.  Speaking of Ms. Monroe, she has been completely brainwashed by Gerard.  She sees his willingness to kill his allies and others as proof that he is dedicated rather than as proof that he is a murdering psychopath.  And somehow she has the entire police force following her and Gerard.  Not a good thing.

With Lydia's weirder banshee moments, I am never sure what is going on, and that was the case tonight.  She saw herself walking through a snow filled hospital and then met Scott and Malia at the site where a pack was slaughtered by the Anuk Ite who was looking for it's other half, which is apparently in a werewolf.  So a little confused there.

So, I will be on vacation starting next Sunday morning and won't be back until the following Sunday, so I may do all three of the remaining episodes on the 24th or I may do the 24th and 25th.  Depends on my time.  Until then!

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