Monday, September 25, 2017

Some Final Thoughts on Teen Wolf

I just finished watching the last three episodes of Teen Wolf a little bit ago, and was thinking about how to do a review.  While I was thinking, I realized that it would be better to write a reaction to the season as a whole and then the show as well.

Honestly, seasons 5 and 6 were the worst the show had.  The Dread Doctors were too remote as villains and had no personal connection to Scott, which made the stakes not terribly high.  Season 6 was missing Stiles, which seriously hurt the show.  While he is not the only character, not having him in the show made the show suffer in a serious way.  The Riders in the first half of the season were an even weaker villain than the Dread Doctors and then the villains (other than Gerard) in the last half of the season were almost a retread of the situation with the Benefactor.

Don't get me wrong, I appreciated seeing the whole gang together at the end.  Seeing Jackson and Ethan together was just flat out fun, as was Lydia's reaction when she figured out that Jackson was with Ethan.  Stiles and Derek coming back in the finale was also a blast.  Seeing the Anuk-Ite transform into various villains was pretty cool, particularly since it was mostly the Nogitsune or Void Stiles, definitely two of the best villains from the series.

I appreciated the ending mainly because I do enjoy those endings where there is an opening to acknowledge that life does go on and not everything is always tied up neatly in a nice little bow.  Whether or not they choose to move forward with a spinoff, I appreciate that they acknowledged that this was not the end for the pack.

Looking back over the whole series, I think it is more than fair to say that the show peaked in Season 3 with the Alpha Pack and the Nogitsune.  I did like Season 4, it did have the Benefactor, who was one of the weaker villains on the show, although I did love the storyline at then end where Scott was taking on Kate and Peter, which was fun.  Season 1 introduced us to this world and Season 2 introduced us to Gerard, who was the most durable villain on the show.  About the only good thing about season 5 was that it gave us Theo, who was a great villain in his own right as a Peter-lite.

I had thought that a part of the problem with season 5 was that the Dread Doctors were being spread out over 20 episodes when, in the past, villains had only lasted for 12 episode arcs.  However, when the 6th season was broken into 2 10-episode arcs, it still didn't help, although admittedly season 6 suffered from the totally unrelated problems mentioned above.

I will miss the show, but I sort of wished that it had ended a bit sooner or had a stronger last couple of seasons.  I hope that they don't jump immediately into a spin-off or something.  They need to give it time to rest and then decide whether or not to do a spin-off. 

Until The Flash and Arrow come back!

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