Tuesday, September 5, 2017

My Review of The Fosters 5.09- Prom

It's prom and things get hairy for Ximena, Brandon learns a secret about Grace, Stef and Tess talk, Callie has a fight with Aaron, and Monte has a proposal for Lena...

Well, the protest pretty much went the way Stef warned Callie it might, and Callie did the right thing and left.  While it may have been a bit selfish of her, it was still the right thing.  Leaving the protest to avoid getting arrested allowed her to be at the prom later so that she could help Ximena get away from ICE.  You could argue that Callie should have been willing to risk more, but given all of the strikes against her, I still think she made the right decision.

Unfortunately for her, Aaron saw AJ at the protest, so he turned down the internship in order to be close to Callie because he thought AJ might steal her away from him.  And that led to a fight because Callie sees that as him not trusting her.  And I can't say I blame her.  The way Aaron was talking about her was almost like she was a prize and that was guaranteed to make her mad.  She made a choice to be with him and he needs to respect that, period.

Spiriting off with Ximena may not have been the smartest choice, but at least she told Stef about what she was doing this time.  And calling Jude to make sure that she would be able to get into the church to get sanctuary for Ximena was a smart move.  Unfortunately, she, Ximena, and AJ are now trapped inside the church until they can figure out how to get Ximena out safely.  This also puts Callie squarely in the sights of ICE, so that could be bad for her.  It might even get her arrested, which would be bad.  Hopefully she can figure a way to get out of this mess.

So Grace has leukemia, which is why her mother is so worried about her.  You could tell that it was breaking Brandon's heart to know that and not be able to say or do anything to help her out.  So he gave her the best prom he could, which was a nice gesture.

Stef and Tess' talk was illuminating.  Tess seems to have internalized a certain amount of homophobia because she has been denying her feelings for years.  I just hope that she doesn't try to make a move on Stef or anything because that would be seriously awkward.  What she needs to do is figure out how things will work with her husband and son before she does anything else.  She says that she's been unhappy in her marriage, so she needs to decide if she wants to stay or ask for a divorce before things get any messier.

The fact that Nick knows who destroyed the model tells me that it was probably either Drew or Nick's dad who did the deed.  I said in my last review that it might have been done to discredit the Adams-Fosters or the opposition in general, and this lends credence to that idea.  Can't wait to see who it was.

Mariana's plan to demonstrate to Logan's girlfriend that she is not after him backfired spectacularly.  First she tried to get Wyatt to take her to prom and be her boyfriend for the night, and that didn't work.  Then she tried Matt, but that failed too.  Watching her and Emma be "girlfriends" was totally amusing, but that failed when Jesus decided to tell Emma that he wanted her back.  In other words, a standard Mariana plan failure.

Monte has been offered the position as principal of another charter and she wants to take Lena along with her.  While not an awful idea, it is not the best timing because of the efforts to keep Anchor Beach open.  I hope that Monte sticks it out through the vote and then decides what to do.

See everyone when the show returns!

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